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Zyphoids[1] are enemies in A Crack in Time. They are large mushroom-like creatures created by zyphoid spawners. Zyphoids come in a number of varieties based on size and color.


Zyphoids were mutated viruses from the Korthos Sector. They were kept off of Quantos for years until time anomalies created by Dr. Nefarious' use of the Hypersonic Brainwave Scrambler in the Great Clock caused them to return.[2] Ratchet and Captain Qwark came to Quantos when they were returning and, in "Escort the Fongoids Home", helped fongoids who had been trapped by zyphoids. They were later again encountered on Zanifar and Vapedia.


Zyphoid spawner screen

A zyphoid spawner.

Zyphoids resemble mushrooms and have three tentacles that serve as feet. Beyond this, they vary in size and color. Small zyphoids come in large groups, are a third of the size of Ratchet, and have one eye. Larger zyphoids are bigger than Ratchet and have three eyes. When killed, large zyphoids split into three. Small zyphoids can also merge together, with three forming a large one again.

Zyphoid spawners resemble red-purple flowers that spew out small zyphoids.


Zyphoids of all types will attack at short range, either with headbutts for the small types and bites for the large kind. The large variants can lunge as well, but also spit acid and create toxic spore clouds in their vicinity that slowly drain the health of anyone present.

Small zyphoids can be killed by being hit only once by a weapon or the OmniWrench. They are simple targets for the Constructo Pistol or the Constructo Bomb when encountered in groups. The Sonic Eruptor is also very efficient due to its immense range. Larger zyphoids will generally fold quickly enough under the same pressure, but relying on Mr. Zurkon as backup can be helpful.

Their main threat comes from their ability to split up and merge again, especially when coupled with the presence of spawners, making destroying them crucial to avoid a prolonged fight.

Behind the scenes[]

The Strategy Guide refers to the war grok's parasites as zyphoids.

