Zorthan the Irritable is a boss in Tools of Destruction fought in the Imperial Fight Festival on Mukow. An energy creature, he is a gladiator fought in the Magnetum Tournament who previously fought for the cragmites.
Zorthan killed over a hundred lombax defenders during the cragmite crusade in the Great War.[1]
Captain Qwark, while narrating the fights at the Imperial Fight Festival, claimed people used his family to power their Christmas trees. However, Qwark also appeared mostly unfamiliar with Zorthan, and as such is an unreliable source.[1]
In Tools of Destruction, Ratchet (disguised as Mustachio Furioso) and Clank fought and defeated Zorthan after they returned to the Imperial Fight Festival in the challenge "Introducing Zorthan" in the Magnetum Tournament when looking for Captain Qwark again in "Return to the Fight Festival". During the battle, Qwark had barely briefed himself on Zorthan, only learning his name mid-fight.[1] Zorthan then returned in the "Tag Team", pairing with Crushto to regain his honor,[2] before being fought again solo in "Zorthan's Revenge" and as a tag team with Crushto in "Everyone Wants a Piece of Mustachio".
In A Crack in Time, whilst Ratchet was competing at the Agorian Battleplex, Zorthan was listed amongst his past victories, along with Crushto, Captain Slag, and Emperor Tachyon.[3]
Zorthan is a glowing light-blue energy-based being. He is adorned with golden armor which provided a frame for humanoid arms, an upper body and a small head.
Zorthan will either spread out replicating energy balls, fire a pair of lasers that move onto your position from both sides, or turn into a tornado and attempt to spin hit you. The Alpha Disruptor cannot kill Zorthan due to its low ammo capacity, but it can disrupt any of his attacks and deals heavy damage. Following it up with the Nano-Swarmers, Shard Reaper, and Buzz Blades is recommended to defeat him.
It is possible to defeat Zorthan quickly when he begins spinning, by jumping over the lava and then double-jumping back. He will fall into the lava and be instantly destroyed, regardless of remaining health. This is possible in all instances where Zorthan is fought, including tag-team battles. After defeating Zorthan using this method, Crushto will jump away and instantly return during Zorthan's turn during a tag-team round.