Ratchet & Clank Wiki
Ratchet & Clank Wiki

The Zoni Vessel is a key item in A Crack in Time. It is a container that can be used to store collected Zoni, and takes the form of a small blue cylindrical object that compresses and stores Zoni within. The primary purpose of the vessel is to store groups of Zoni together, as their power is stronger in groups due to being a hivemind. Zoni when collected can upgrade the Aphelion.

A hidden bronze trophy "It Belongs in a Museum" is rewarded by collecting the Zoni Vessel from the Temple of Zahn on planet Quantos.


The original Zoni Vessel was brought to the dimension by Orvus and entrusted to the fongoids.[1]

Dr. Nefarious constructed his own special Zoni vessel in his base on Zanifar, in order to capture Orvus.

In A Crack in Time, Ratchet was given permission from the fongoids to enter the temple and retrieve the vessel for use in "Search the Temple of Zahn".[1] He used it to collect Zoni in his exploits against Nefarious, mostly to upgrade the Aphelion. On Morklon, after Ratchet and Clank were exiled to the planet, the Zoni saved them from crashing there.[2]

