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Zeta Virus Infected Console Rift Apart

A computer access console infected by the Zeta Virus.

The Zeta Virus is a biomechanical infection of unknown origin that had been attacking systems around the galaxy during the events of Rift Apart. If left unchecked, this infection will render systems inoperable. The virus was combated by a nano-systems IT robot named Glitch who fought the infections on multiple occasions to help Ratchet throughout his journey. The presence of Zeta Virus infections can be evidenced by purple and orange, organic plant-like residue found around and inside computer systems. The viruses also created some capsules containing Nanotech that Glitch can break open to use for herself and heal from sustained damage.


Zeta Virus bug[]

Zeta Virus Bug Rift Apart

Virus bug.

These are the front lines of the Zeta Virus infection and the enemy Glitch deals with the most. Their method of attack is to get close to Glitch and attempt to chomp her with their sharp mouth-like orifices.

The Zeta Virus Bug is easily dealt with using Glitch's Electro-Guns but their real strength lies in their relentless numbers, the bugs will swarm Glitch in their dozens at a time and need to be continuously deleted to keep them at bay. By deleting these viruses, Glitch is also able to collect power stolen by them from the infected system and use it to charge a Nuke Pulse shockwave attack, that will wipe out any other viruses in her proximity.

Zeta Virus glider[]

Zeta Virus Glider Rift Apart

Virus glider.

These are an evolved, more intelligent strain of the Zeta Virus, capable of elevated hovering and attack by firing organic, green globs at Glitch from a distance. Deleting them also allows Glitch to collect their stolen power and use it to charge the Nuke Pulse. They first appear during Glitch's third endeavour with the viruses in the alternate dimension's infected Rubion Forge on planet Cordelion.

These enemies can attack along with the Bugs and sometimes can be troublesome as they will keep their distance whilst flying and attack using long ranged attacks while Glitch is keeping the Bugs at bay. It is suggested to take out the Gliders using Glitch's Electro-Guns or Blitz-Infectors as soon as possible before the Bugs can close their distance to prevent this. The Blitz-Infectors can be useful for taking care of Gliders without removing attention from the Bugs as they do not require precision aiming to use and will home in on any visible enemies, usually taking out multiple at once.

Zeta Virus nest[]

Virus Nest Rift Apart

Virus swarmer spawner.

These nest pods latch onto computer systems and absorb their energy, they also are where the Bugs and Gliders come from. Taking out the nests is the most important goal of Glitch when inside infected systems, they will continuously spawn a set number of Bugs and Gliders and need to be destroyed to halt the stream of infinitely respawning enemies. Once all of these nest pods inside a system are deleted by Glitch, the virus infection will be cleared and the host computer will be brought back online. Not all virus pods will spawn swarmers however and will instead be largely defenseless.

Zeta Virus Nest Pod Rift Apart

Virus Pod.

Glitch's Electro-Guns are not very effective against the nests but they can be quickly destroyed with her Blitz-Infectors. In Glitch's second endeavour with the viruses, the nests began hijacking the computers to create shields for themselves that were impervious to her weapons, Glitch however was able to reroute the energy away from the viruses and deactivate them by standing on specific pressure pads in the area. Once a nest pod is destroyed, any of the Bugs and Gliders it has previously spawned will be deleted along with it.

Advanced Zeta Virus nest[]

Zeta Virus Nest Rift Apart

Advanced virus pod.

An enhanced Zeta Virus Pod with tracking organelles. This virus nest pod does not spawn swarmers, but has evolved the ability to defend itself using a mounted cannon that will fire energy projectiles at Glitch in burst intervals of three, each time it successfully locks onto her. These projectiles however can be stopped with Glitch's Electro-Guns if they are shot before they can hit her or simply avoided by using cover.

Like the other virus nest pods, this one can create shields for itself, hijacked from computers, it can also fire it's long ranged projectiles through this shield. As with the other pods it can also be destroyed quickly with Glitch's Blitz-Infectors. They are first encountered during Glitch's second encounter with the viruses at the Monk Mountain Temple on planet Savali.

Master Virus[]

Master Virus Rift Apart

Master virus pod.

The Master Virus is the originator of the Zeta virus and unlike the other drone-like variants, it possesses it's own sentient intelligence. The Master Virus refers to itself as a collective and not an individual.

It first speaks with a female voice to Glitch after her third endeavour with the viruses and taunts her that they will see her again soon, if her luck continues to hold. After Glitch's fourth encounter with the viruses, it speaks to her again and tells her they will next time meet face to face. In Glitch's fifth and final time fighting the viruses, she finds the system to be very badly infected, with the Master Virus describing it as a little slice of their home. It revealed to Glitch that the breaking of the dimensions allowed them many new chances to spread and that their encounters with her had helped them learn and evolve to become stronger. The Master Virus repeatedly attempted to demoralize Glitch and exploit her doubts in her own abilities. Glitch however was determined in her mission to destroy it and affirmed that what allowed her to make it so far was down to skill and not luck. After a fierce fight and on the cusp of finally being defeated, the Master Virus angrily threatened that as long as the dimensions keep breaking open, the Zeta Virus will continue to come through and that Glitch will never be rid of them. By the conclusion of the events in Rift Apart however, the damage done to the dimensions was repaired and the threat of the Zeta Virus continuing to spread was halted.

Behind the scenes[]

