Ratchet & Clank Wiki
Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Voltanoids are insanely powerful Thugs-4-Less warbots used for both defense and assault operations. The Voltanoid attacked with a gun that would spray electricity, and defended itself from counterattacks with a large plasma shield.

A lone Voltanoid guarded the Meero Orphanage in the Meero Ruins of planet Yerek, while another was deployed to the Relay Station in Weeblesnog City on planet Silox.

A unique upgraded Voltanoid[1] called Blazebot appeared on Destructapalooza on planet Kragg as a competitor, he shot flames rather than bolts of electricity. The Blazebot was encountered two times on Kragg; In the Bronze Cup challenge, "Blazebot Battle", and in the Platinum Cup challenge, "Iron Lombax."


…a brutal, blood-crazed killer not fit for regulation arenas…

Blazebot was stated to be newly single, and trying his hand at HoloNet Dating: he was after someone who enjoyed going to the gym, watching old films, and setting fire to absolutely everything.

The Polaris Consortium of Robotic Gladiators labeled Blazebot "a brutal, blood-crazed killer not fit for regulation arenas", he was however, allowed to participate in the Destructapalooza because it was not a regulated arena.


Blazebot's primary weapons are Pyrocidic Flame Jets salvaged from valkyrie war ships.


The Blazebot had similar abilities to a regular Voltanoid, except now it could shoot fireballs in the air that reacted the same way as Gary's missiles, except no receptacle appeared at the bottom, making it tricky to dodge them.

Behind the scenes[]

The Skill point Voltanoid Ninja could be obtained by defeating one of these bosses with nothing but the OmniWrench (this included the Blazebot as well).

Voltanoids and the Blazebot had the same model, albeit with different palettes. The Voltanoids also had an identical head and body to the Scorch Minions, suggesting some relation.


  1. Into the Nexus, Statement by Destructapalooza Announcer