This page is a list of all holo-plan locations in Tools of Destruction. There are a total of 13 holo-plan pieces hidden in most of the locations, indicated by the square map icon when selecting a planet. Holo-plans are always hidden within standard bolt crates, and are never indicated on the map, even with the Treasure Mapper. If a holo-plan was not picked up from a destroyed crate, it will become available again from the same crate on another visit to the location. Collected holo-plans can be traded in with the Smuggler for the RYNO IV.
Use the Robo-Wings to fly to the Hall of Knowledge, but do not land, and keep flying along the wall until you reach another accessible area. Head either left or right (the path loops around) to find the holo-plan piece in the stack of crates in the room at the back.
On the Ferris wheel, jump off to the right onto a grassy area to find a collection of raritanium chests. The holo-plan piece is in the lone crate in front of two chests.
Nundac Asteroid Ring[]
At the asteroid area with teleport cannon Delta, there is a small asteroid with a meteor pad, which has to be reached with the Swingshot. Smash the boxes there to find the piece.
In the pirate bar you can find a gate that can be opened with the Heli-Pods gadget. Head through the passage to enter on a balcony where you can find the containing the piece.
Rykan V[]
Climb the metal cube to the left of the devices vendor and hang onto the yellow rim of the cylinder behind it. Shimmy across the ledge to the left, and then again to reach the other side of the Rykan V spaceport. The holo-plan piece is on the roof of the building on your right. Climb the metal boxes nearby, and use the Heli-Pods gadget to raise the platform next to the green forcefield, which must be used to make the jump across to reach the stack of crates with the piece.
In the central area of Outpost L51 is a large kerchu structure, next to the troglosaur standing on the tri-pads. The piece is in a crate on the roof, easily reached with the Robo-Wings.
Kreeli Comet[]
From the second pirate ship, look to the left and jump down, follow the swingshot route and you get to the crate.
At the end of "Escape from Zordoom" is a skydock with a taxi. Opposite the platform with the taxi is a stack of crates, containing the holo-plan piece.
Located in the area with the large pirate ambush, prior to entering Kerchu City. After crossing the narrow bridge immediately turn right, to spot the crates (and some chests) with the piece on a high ledge.
Ublik Passage[]
To the right of the first bolt crank is a grav-ramp heading down the side. Follow it and you will reach a secret path with a large stack of crates, one of which contains the holo-plan piece.
On the battlefield near Aphelion, there are two gunneries on the left and right that Cronk and Zephyr enter and activate. Go to the right gunnery's entrance and look to the left of it. Long jump to the platform that is there and smash the boxes to find the piece.
The Igliak holo-plan piece is within the tower with the obsidian enforcer. Destroy all present enemies first, then climb the glass walkway and break the crates next to the entrance to find the holo-plan piece.
The final holo-plan piece is within the final area prior to entering the Court of Azimuth. Defeat the cragmites guarding the tri-pads and bolt crank and then look for a stack of crates along the right wall, with your back towards the passage used to enter the area. The piece will be in one of the crate stacks.