Swing through the Docks is a mission in Tools of Destruction, taking place in Stratus City on Kortog. Ratchet and Clank have been making their way through Stratus City while fighting the Imperial Army's drophyd forces, eventually reaching the city's docks.
Browse through the weapons vendor to spend your acquired raritanium. If you haven't already, consider purchasing the Predator Launcher. It will be useful against the cyclocannon and gunship blocking your path. The gunship supports the cyclocannon from behind while launching grenades. Utilize the Swingshot to reach the other side, but be prepared for an ambush by a pair of grenade gunships. Climb the nearby wall to engage another gunship, two sentries, and another cyclocannon when you attempt to pass by the pool. Before wall-jumping higher, backtrack slightly and climb the stacks of boxes on your left to discover a lone raritanium chest.
Return to wall-jump to the top of the current cargo ship and then Swingshot to the adjacent one by holding onto the target until you can safely drop down. Deal with the tesladrones and locate the Gelanator receptacle on your left. You'll need it to navigate across the taller stacks of cargo. Use it to cross the mass of boxes on the left side of the ship to find another raritanium chest. Then, use it again to climb to the ship's top, allowing you to Swingshot to a platform.
Walk over the tri-pads embedded in the floor to activate a bridge. After defeating the few enemies on the other side, a laser gunship and a transport ship carrying sentries will appear. However, they should be manageable at this point. Explore the nearby stacks of boxes to find another chest and several crates. Finally, use the zipline to exit the docks. Once you Swingshot across the gap, the mission concludes, seamlessly transitioning into "Fly to the Hall of Knowledge".