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These are challenges available to the contestants of DreadZone in the Tempus Control Station on Stygia in Deadlocked. This planet and its challenges come directly after the Vindicator Tournament, and will provide the necessary Dread Points and black medal for the Liberator Tournament. The DreadZone vendor will not have any new weapons nor Omega mods for sale at this point, nor does the planet possess any Dread Challenges


Junking the Jammers[]

The opening challenge puts you in a Landstalker straight away, with the simple goal to reach the end and destroy the jamming devices. The path to there is incredibly linear and the only thing you need to do is destroy all enemies in your way, as well as the forcefield generators to be able to actually pass through. Enemies include lots of Cycloids, Executioners, dropships, large Missile Turret, and DZ Stingers. At the third forcefield you can rest at a vehicle pad after which you must crawl up a long ramp which will be blocked by more dropships, Stingers, and Executioners. Beware of the 70 millimeter Stalker Turret at the end as well, and retreat to the vehicle pad if need be.

At the end walk around the building to destroy the jammers as more and more Executioners, Stingers, dropships, and one more Stalker Turret, assail you until all three jammers are gone.

Energy Collector[]

The second challenge is another linear venture; use the jump pad to reach the platform above you and take out the Rhyno Swarmers and DZ Stingers while ordering your combat bots to capture the first bolt crank. Two Executioners will spawn aside the pillar behind the node (note the jackpot crate behind the pillar) and a swarm of Cycloids, followed by a dropship, appears after it's been captured. The second platform only contains a lot of Swarmers and Stingers, whereas the third has lots of Executioners and three large Beam Turrets (and another swarm of Cycloids). Watch out for the Executioners while riding the deployed Grind Cable.

The final node is guarded by Stingers, more Beam Turrets, all of which are followed up by a large group of Cycloids, another Executioner, and a pair of dropships. Either hunker down and deploy shields with your Holoshield Launcher or have your bots capture the bolt crank to finish the challenge.

Shields Up![]

"Shields Up!" is quite simple; you have to use the hovership while Merc and Green have to hack all the orbs located around the structure. Since your combat bots can be revived at any time and you can retreat at any time to the nearby vehicle pad there is little chance of actually losing the challenge. The bots will be attacked by both Beam and Missile Turrets, Stingers, Executioners, and dropships, some of which also target you. Focus on your own health first and take down the enemies targeting you instead of those targeting your bots. Use of the Shield Link can also extend their lifetime as this can soak up a lot of damage.

Shield Survival[]

The final challenge takes place in the same structure as the previous one, in which you must hold off a number of enemies. There are a couple of nanotech crates nearby in the center, so use those if you need to, you can also restock at the nearby vendor whenever you want. Although the goal is to defend the generator; it cannot actually be destroyed and instead you must survive till all enemies are down. They come in three waves, first from the front passage, then the one on the left, and lastly the entrance to that one's left. There are no new enemies featured from here on, nor will the turret-type enemies appear, although lots of Executioners do show up. They will be packed up tight so area of effect weapons will be doubly effective.

Completion of "Shield Survival" rewards the player character with a black medal, with which they have half needed for the total to attempt the Liberator Tournament, after collecting enough Dread Points by completing Dread Challenges.
