Ratchet & Clank Wiki
Ratchet & Clank Wiki

The Static Barrier is a defensive weapon manufactured by Gadgetron in Size Matters. The Static Barrier can be purchased upon reaching Inside Clank for 65,000 bolts. It is a handheld yellow and red device with a blue orb on top. It uses residual static electricity in the air to create a forcefield that protects the user from enemy fire until it takes a certain amount of damage.[1]

It can be upgraded to the Repulser Field at V4 with use, which creates a more electrified bubble by supercharging the surrounding air, sending random electrical shocks to opponents nearby.[2] In challenge mode the expensive Titan Repulser Field can be bought for 2,500,000 million bolts.

Two mods can be purchased in challenge mode: the reflection mod for 250,000 bolts which synchronizes the frequency of the staticized air in the Static Barrier, allowing the energized shield to reflect back laser-based attacks[3], and the mirage mod for 1,250,000 bolts, which uses mnemonic memory mapping to recreate an after-image of the user to 90 percent accuracy, leaving behind holographic decoys that confuse enemy and draw their fire.[4]


Static Barrier gameplay

Gameplay of the Static Barrier.

The Static Barrier is a defensive weapon that can absorb damage received from enemy fire. Although it only blocks a few attacks at earlier levels, this is nonetheless important as even with strong armor, enemy attacks can be extremely devastating in later levels. The Static Barrier's forcefield also damages enemies by touching them. Damaging enemies by touching them the shield is not required to upgrade it, and it will simply slowly level when used in defensive circumstances. The Static Barrier should almost always be used against bosses and in most situations to survive. During the battle against Otto Destruct, it becomes crucial for survival, even though the shield at essentially all levels will only block one to two attacks.

The Repulser Field zaps enemies that approach it with electricity. While this makes it slightly more useful as an offensive weapon, it is still best used as a defensive weapon to absorb damage.

Two mods can be purchased in challenge mode: the Reflection Mod for 250,000 and the Mirage Mod for 1,250,000. The Mirage Mod, though expensive, provides the weapon a great deal of utility, allowing it to distract enemies for a certain amount of time once the shield wears out (similar to the Decoy Glove), making it even better as a defensive weapon despite the price. The Reflection Mod reflects back some shots fired at Ratchet, but can only reflect shots from a few enemies such as the guard torso, security drone, and gun turret; overall, it is a luxury pickup that should not be prioritized over the Mirage Mod. Reflected shots also still damage the shield.

