The Starship Phoenix trophy room.
The Starship Phoenix trophy room is a small area within the Starship Phoenix where Ratchet and Clank can view trophies they either found or have achieved through gameplay. They are essentially collectibles, similar to the titanium bolts, Skill points, and trophies in the PlayStation 3 and Vita remakes of the game. Once all fifteen trophies have been collected, a locked doorway inside the trophy room will open, leading to a teleporter that connects to the Insomniac Museum.
Most trophies can be discovered or are rewarded during the first playthrough of the game, but there are a few that can only be achieved in challenge mode.
When Ratchet and Clank first enter the trophy room Sasha talks about how if a crew member earns a medal of honor it'll be put in the trophy room, although Dr. Nefarious, Courtney Gears, and Larance all get trophies even though they aren't crew members
Ratchet trophy[]
The Ratchet trophy can be found within the Nabla Forest on Florana. In the second stone temple, after climbing a second yellow ladder, turn to the left and stand at the edge of the balcony. It is possible to walk across the edge and jump over part of the roof to reach a separate rooftop corner where the trophy is found.
Collecting this character trophy in the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions of Up Your Arsenal will unlock the silver trophy "Mini Ratchet".
Al trophy[]
The Al trophy can be found within the Korgon Base on Tyhrranosis. It is specifically located on a tall stone pillar near the north-eastern most plasma turret position on the map. Attempting to reach the turret will lead to have to climb a jump slot to reach the top of a square plateau. Once there, turn around and the pillar with the trophy on-top will be visible nearby, with a single three-eyed tyhrranoid supposed to be standing on-top. Long jump and glide to reach the trophy.
Plumber trophy[]
The Plumber trophy can be found outside of the research facility on Daxx. Follow the same path used to obtain the Charge Boots, by heading left from the landing pad and walking around the entire island in the process. At the end will be a small room where the Boots were found, with directly behind and to the right of the exit doorway a small balcony with the trophy.
Clank trophy[]
The Clank trophy can be found during the Ratchet-only mission on Lot 42 in the Holostar Studios. Directly after the second Gadgetron vendor is an elevator that requires the Hacker to function. Ride it to the top, but do not enter the next room, instead turn to the left and jump onto a small ledge on the side of the building to find the Clank trophy.
Collecting this character trophy in the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions of Up Your Arsenal will unlock the silver trophy "Secret Agent Clank".
Skrunch trophy[]
The Skrunch trophy can be found in Metropolis, in the second tower near the start. After going across the curved bridge and entering the tower, turn right and climb the balcony to find it.
Dr. Nefarious trophy[]
The Dr. Nefarious trophy can be found at the crash site on Zeldrin. Defeat the enemies near the start until the path takes a sharp-left turn, which you must ignore. Instead, turn right and jump atop the small plateau in the corner to find the trophy hidden in the grass.
Qwark trophy[]
The Captain Qwark trophy can be found in Qwark's hideout in the Thran Asteroid Belt. It is found inside a small room from which the Qwark bots spawn, on the left directly prior to Qwark's own room.
Courtney Gears trophy[]
The Courtney Gears trophy can be found in the Nefarious BFG area on Koros. After fighting through part of the location is a point where you must climb several stacks of metallic crates to reach a plaza. Do climb the crates, but do not enter the plaza, and instead turn around walk onto the glass balcony of the tower on your right. The trophy will be inside the tower, though note that if you destroyed the glass with the Bolt Grabber V2 you will have to watch your step and use the supporting railing instead.
Lawrence trophy[]
The Lawrence trophy can be found in the command center on Mylon. After using the Hypershot to make it across a gap you will head up a slope, with on the left said slope a tall tank of sorts. You can use a ladder on the side of the object to climb to the top and grab the trophy.
Titanium Collector trophy[]
The Titanium Collector trophy is awarded upon collecting all forty titanium bolts. Aside from this trophy, collecting all bolts in the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions of Up Your Arsenal will unlock the gold PlayStation Network trophy "Thorough".
Skill Master trophy[]
The Skill Master trophy is awarded upon collecting all thirty skill points. Aside from this trophy, collecting all skill points in the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions of Up Your Arsenal will unlock the gold PlayStation Network trophy "Super Skilled".
Annihilation Nation Champion trophy[]
The Annihilation Nation Champion trophy is awarded upon completing all challenges in the Annihilation Nation.
Friend of the Rangers trophy[]
The Friend of the Rangers trophy is awarded upon completing all Galactic Rangers operations. Aside from this trophy, completing all Ranger missions in the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions of Up Your Arsenal will unlock the, identically named, gold PlayStation Network trophy "Friend of the Rangers".
Omega Arsenal trophy[]
The Omega Arsenal trophy is awarded upon fully upgrading all weapons to V8, except for the RY3NO, which must reach V5. Aside from this trophy, upgrading all weapons in the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions of Up Your Arsenal will unlock the gold PlayStation Network trophy "Omega Man".
Nano Finder trophy[]
The Nano Finder trophy is awarded upon reaching the maximum nanotech level of 200 during challenge mode. Aside from this trophy, maximizing your nanotech in the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions of Up Your Arsenal will unlock the, identically named, silver PlayStation Network trophy "Nano Finder".