Splitterbots[1] are enemies in A Crack in Time. They are one of four basic classes of Nefarious Troopers (alongside Protoguards, Arc Strikers, and Cyclobombers), fought by Ratchet and Clank across the Breegus System of the Polaris Galaxy. Splitterbots differentiate themselves from other troopers with their twin buzzsaw blade weapons and use a unicycle for movement.
Splitterbots have short range and average durability but are capable of overwhelming Ratchet with their speed and numbers. Most weapons are sufficient for defeating them, with the overall preferred weapon depending on the situation. When encountered without backup, the Constructo Pistol, or later the Negotiator and Spiral of Death, are useful. When encountered in larger groups, weapons with a better area of effect like the Sonic Eruptor or the Constructo Shotgun are better. If already occupied, then the Tesla Spikes and CryoMine Glove are useful in forming a line of defense.