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This page is a list of all titanium bolt locations in Size Matters. There are a total of twenty titanium bolts hidden in each of the locations. The majority of these are accessible on the first visit, though this is under the presumption the player is already in possession of the required weapon, gadget or item. Several bolts can only be acquired after revisiting the location later, as the required item is only available later in the game.

Obtaining a titanium bolt, 10 titanium bolts, and 20 titanium bolts will unlock the bronze, silver, and gold trophies "Bolt Fan", "Bolt Collector", and "Bolt Champion", respectively.

Location Titanium bolts
Jowai Resort, Pokitaru 2
Vetega Jungle, Ryllus 2
Mechanoid Factory, Kalidon 3
Junkyard LXIV, Metalis 1
Dreamtime 3
Medical Outpost Omega 1
Technomite City, Challax 3
Farming Cooperative, Dayni Moon 2
Inside Clank 2
Clone Factory, Quodrona 1


Jowai Resort from SM map

Map of Jowai Resort.

The first titanium bolt can be acquired during the "Rescue the girl!" mission. After heading up a grav-ramp using the Gravity Boots, and defeating several guard torsos, do not use the zipline at the end. Instead, turn to the left and long jump to a barely visible platform around the corner of the cliff.

The second bolt is also available in the same mission, but near the end instead. While using the second boat-platform to go across the water you will pass by two islands which are under attack by enemies. Jump onto the second island when you get the chance, defeat the enemies, then head around the hut on the left to find the bolt.


Vetega Jungle map

Map of Vetega Jungle.

While still at the landing platform, head to the left of the Gadgetron vendor and jump down the cliff to land on a platform with the bolt.

After using a second launcher plant to go through a wall, and landing in front of the Wildfire helmet, turn around to find the bolt behind you.


Mechanoid Factory map

Map of Mechanoid Factory.

After landing, go behind the ship to find an out of view ridge beneath the landing platform, where the bolt is hidden inside a small crater.

In front of the Mechanoid Factory, with the Grind Lock at the entrance, go around the left side to find the bolt hidden behind the pillar.

In the spherical room with the many grav-ramps you can find a lone bolt on a platform high up to the right and above the entrance. Instead of going straight down from the first grav-ramp, use the magnetized walls surrounding the entrance to access the path on the right. Follow this, then take a right when possible to end up at the bolt.


Junkyard LXIV map

Map of Junkyard LXIV.

After "Rematch - Skyboard racer"

After acquiring the Polarizer from the Skyboarder's in the mission "Rematch - Skyboard racer" you can return to Metalis as Ratchet and use the gadget to open a hatch near the landing pad. This path will lead across a long conveyor belt, requiring you to dodge crushers and jets of flame, deal with groups of guard torsos, and use the Hypershot to swing across a series of platforms, to ultimately find the titanium bolt at the end, surrounded by bolt crates.


When you reach the straw hat and need to jump across three moving parasols, turn around, keeping the parasols directly behind you, then use first-person view to look up to find a lone versa-target. Hook onto it to land on the hat where you can find the bolt.

Continue until you reach Ratchet's garage, do not enter, but instead go around the left side and and jump over the tree to find another bolt.

Near the end of the level, at the last vendor with the portal, you will be able to witness a giant apparition of a scuttle crab floating around. Shoot it to be transported to several rows of crates floating in mid-air. Avoid the explosive crates or be fast enough to reach the bolt and exit portal at the end of the last row.

Medical Outpost Omega[]

Medical Outpost Omega map

Map of Medical Outpost Omega.

After the third turret section, while the station is about to explode, is a section in which you have to wall-jump up to reach a door to the hangar. If you turn around you can see the bolt on a ledge. If you miss it, you can find it again behind some rubble near the operating table used to enter Dreamtime.


Technomite City map

Map of the Technomite City.

There is a small platform with the bolt below the landing pad, which can be easily accessed by going down the steps near the Ultra-Mech Pad.

After using the Polarizer you enter a room with a circular conveyor belt carrying luggage from a room hidden behind the wall. Wait here until the belt will eventually carry a titanium belt along with the luggage.

Prior or after destroying the Otto Destruct statue, use the same explosive mimic plant to lob a fruit at the wall behind it (facing away from the statue area) to reveal a hidden balcony with the bolt.

Dayni Moon[]

Farming Cooperative map

Map of the Farming Cooperative.

After the first barnyard you will have to plant two mimic plants, a small and a large one. You can use the small one to launch yourself up and reach the bolt in the open window of the barn, or alternatively switch the two around and use the larger one to make it easier.

After using more bouncy mimic plants to glide towards a tower, defeat the pair of technomite heavy troopers and unlock the Grind Lock to enter the tower itself. Plant the small blue mimic plant here, then use it to reach a second bolt on a ledge high up in the tower.

Inside Clank[]

At the beginning of the level, walk straight off the edge of the platform to land on the bridge below, then turn around to face the ladder back to the upper area. Carefully angle the camera to show there is an accessible space behind the ladder, then jump around the side to find the bolt.

The second bolt is visible above the technomite electro soldiers up ahead, and can only be reached by slowly wall-jumping from inside the passage to the next room to the platform above it.


Clone Factory map

Map of the Clone Factory.

After the octagonal red room with the Ratchet clones and dummies you will enter a larger space with many boxes and crates. Look to the left to find a climbable stack leading to a high ledge with the bolt.
