Ratchet & Clank Wiki
Ratchet & Clank Wiki

This page includes the controls for Size Matters. It was released on both the PlayStation Portable and the PlayStation 2. As such, both the controls for the standard DualShock controller and those for the PSP handheld will be included.


Ratchet is the main character, who you control for most of the gameplay. Instead of letting you choose between three different modes, Size Matters only offers third-person. Lock-strafe is only an option in the PlayStation 2 version, and does not offer the manually controllable reticule like Up Your Arsenal did. Both versions also include a 'view mode' toggle in the 'Camera & Controls' menu, although this includes a first-person mode, it only lets you change the camera controls, and not actually play the game in first-person.

The PSP version's strafe controls are also locked to either the D-pad or analog stick, due to the lack of secondary shoulder buttons. Crouching is done with both shoulder buttons, which are also used to rotate the camera. Select is used to enter first-person view, while the map and missions option has been moved to the pause menu.

Name Controls Effect
Move character Left analog stick Move the player character around.
Move camera Right analog stick Shoulder L / Shoulder R Move the camera around. On PSP the shoulder buttons can only be used to rotate it.
Jump X Jump once.
Double jump X + X Jump twice in the air for extra height.
Glide X Use the Heli-Pack or Thruster-Pack to glide while in mid-air.
Crouch R1 Shoulder L + Shoulder R Crouch down.
Crouch turn R1 + Left analog stick Shoulder L + Shoulder R + Left analog stick Rotate around while in the crouching position.
High jump R1 + X Shoulder L + Shoulder R + X Use the Heli-Pack or Thruster-Pack to make a high jump from a crouching position.
Long jump Left analog stick + R1 + X Left analog stick + Shoulder L + Shoulder R + X Use the Heli-Pack or Thruster-Pack to make a longer jump forward while running.
Strafe Left analog stick + L2 Left analog stick (or)
Up, Right, Down, Left
Walk sideways, while facing forwards and without turning.
Use equipped item Circle Fire equipped weapon or use equipped gadget.
Swing OmniWrench Square Swing OmniWrench in front of player to attack. Can be used three times in succession for a combo.
Hyper-strike X + Square Jump in the air, strike the OmniWrench down to attack below, dealing more damage.
Comet-strike R1 + Square Shoulder L + Shoulder R + Square Throw the OmniWrench forward while crouching for a brief time, dealing damage or breaking objects, before it returns to player character.
Quick select Triangle (hold) Show quick select menu.
Swap weapon Triangle + Triangle (double tap) Toggle between the last two equipped weapons and gadgets.
Interact Triangle Triangle interacts with devices and vehicles, such as entering Ratchet's ship.
First person
targeting view
L1 Select Toggle to view first person to free-view and target weapons.
Start Start Open the in-game menu.
Map Select / R2 Open the in-game map and available missions.


Ratchet can also make use of a skyboard in challenges in Kalidon and Medical Outpost Omega.

Name Controls Effect
Steer Left analog stick Steer the vehicle around.
Move camera Right analog stick Shoulder L or Shoulder R Move the camera around.
Jump X Jump once.
Boost Square Boost your speed, providing there is fuel.
Air boost Square (hold) + Left analog stick (up or down) Boost in mid-air, can be used for flight.
Start Start Open the in-game menu.


Clank, Ratchet's sidekick, has a few sections in which he has to act on his own. Sometimes, he can use and control Gadgebots, as well as operate several vehicles during the game. These are primarily Torsos in Clank Challenges, but also the BotFlinger, and a series of turrets within Medical Outpost Omega. The Torsos have very simply controls, letting you use their main ability with either Square or X.

Name Controls Effect
Move character Left analog stick Move the player character around.
Move camera Right analog stick Shoulder L / Shoulder R Move the camera around. On PSP the shoulder buttons can only be used to rotate it.
Jump X Jump once.
Glide X + X (hold) Glide slowly in the air.
Punch Square Throw a punch forward. Can be used three times in succession for a combo.
Gadgebot command menu Triangle + Left analog stick Hold to select a Gadgebot command from a menu.
Start Start Open the in-game menu.
Map Select / R2 Open the in-game map and available missions.


Name Controls Effect
Move vehicle Left analog stick Move the vehicle around.
Lift X Lift up an object.
Throw X / Circle Throw a held object.
Punch Square Throw a punch forward.
Block Triangle Temporarily block thrown objects above your position.
Start Start Open the in-game menu.

Giant Clank[]

The player can control Clank in Giant Clank mode in two space missions, where he serves as a spaceship, as well as during the bossfight against Otto Destruct when he is enlarged.


Name Controls Effect
Move character Left analog stick Move the player character around.
Fire rockets Square Hold to fire rockets that home in on enemies.
Fire lasers Circle Hold to fire lasers
Start Start Open the in-game menu.


Name Controls Effect
Move character Left analog stick Move the player character around.
Move camera Right analog stick Shoulder L / Shoulder R Move the camera around. On PSP the shoulder buttons can only be used to rotate it.
Jump X Jump once.
Punch Square Throw a punch forward.
Fire rockets Circle Hold to fire rockets.
Start Start Open the in-game menu.