Silox is a haunted oceanic planet in the Polaris Galaxy's most haunted sector, the Zarkov Sector, residing on the Zarkov Sector's southwest border, which bordered the Cerullean Sector. It was located south of planet Thram and west of planet Yerek in the Zarkov Sector. The planet is Weeblesnog City a large city which was abandoned after Vendra Prog and her brother Neftin Prog unleashed Nethers into the city.
Silox was also visibly affected by the "haunting", as seen on the mission screen.
Raritanium is present on the planet.
You know, when Nef and I first got here, this city was filled with people - people that didn't understand what it's like to grow up alone. They had mothers and fathers who cared for them. All we had was each other. But that's going to change soon.
Vendra Prog, ItN
Originally highly populated, Silox hosted a large population, particularly in the Weeblesnog City. Under Mayor Gumblebrick's term, the planet began to appear haunted, as "ghosts" (Nethers) began to appear and strike terror across Silox and elsewhere in the Zarkov Sector. Gumblebrick and others attempted fix the situation, ranging from attempting to befriend the spectral beings to vaporizing them with powerful defense laser cannons, but in the end, all efforts had failed miserable. After the Galactic President issued a Alpha-9, Silox, along with other worlds in the sector, was ordered to relocate to a non-haunted sector. In a matter of days, Silox was basically completely abandoned. The reason for the appearances of the Nethers was the result of Vendra and Neftin Prog's meddling with trans-dimensional technology. Silox, specifically Weeblesnog City, served as a secret research ground to bring the Netherverse to their universe. As a decade passed by, the Weeblesnog City was soon occupied by not just the Nethers, but also Thugs-4-Less, who had been hired to by Neftin Prog to serve as muscle.
The Thug Relay station was located in the city.
There are three water pumps: Pump Alpha, Pump Beta, and Pump Gamma.
The city was home to the Omegatech Defense System, a powerful defense system installed by the mayor of Weeblesnog City, Gumblebrick. It was installed throughout the Weeblesnog City in the hopes that it would protect the citizens and drive away the "ghosts" (who were really Nethers); despite it shear power, the defense system proved to be completely worthless at stopping the "ghosts." When all efforts failed to stop the "ghosts," all the citizens of Silox began to flee the Zarkov Sector to the nearest "non-haunted" sector. As the citizens left the planet, Gumblebrick asked that the last residents of Weeblesnog City keep reactivate the system before they left the sector.
When Ratchet and Clank entered Weeblesnog City, they had to be wary the Omegatech Defense System. Thugs-4-Less took control of some of these turrets and used them to protect key areas of interests throughout Weeblesnog City.
The Omegatech Defense System can't be defeated or deactivated, and they must be avoided at all costs. Stepping into the spotlight of Omegatech Defense System would result in instant vaporization by a powerful turret. Some paths are completely blocked by the defense system's spotlights, in which case the player has to take a different route. Ratchet is able to throw his wrench across the spotlight to grab battery bots on the other side without activating the turret. It will even vaporize Nightmares, so that wasn't advised as well.