Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Shriekers are enemies in Deadlocked. They are small, green aliens native to Sarathos, with only a head, two feet, spiked tails, and giant fangs in place of their eyeholes. Ratchet and Team Darkstar first fought them in the Sarathos challenges on DreadZone, before they later appeared in the challenges on Maraxus.

Shriekers attack by crawling towards Ratchet and attempting to bite him. They have minimal durability, and their only potential danger is in numbers, although they can also crawl up out of the ground. This means that weapons such as the Magma Cannon (good area of effect) and Dual Vipers (low damage, high ammo capacity) can defeat them very quickly with ease, and it is best to use these weapons to destroy a group of shriekers and prevent them from surrounding or swarming Ratchet.

Ideally the Shock Mod is used, as this can take out an entire group with one hit. Shriekers are often found around Leviathans and around the King Leviathan, both of which are much greater threats that should be prioritized first.
