Sepiads are sea-dwelling mollusk enemies in Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One indigenous to planet Reepor, but were encountered in Octonok Cay on planet Magnus due to having been brought there by the Creature Collector. Only three in total appeared; one as an enemy, the King and one that was eaten by the King Sepiad.
Ephemeris (in its second stage) brings a King Sepiad to Magnus
Sepaids are sea-dwelling creatures indigenous to the planet Reepor. They travel in packs and brought food back for the King. Sepiad's bodies are armored, heavily resistant to gunfire, but their underbellies are soft and vulnerable.

A sepiad holding Ratchet
The king eats another sepiad
Sepiads are known to eat Seaside Fish and also Tharpods. One Sepiad took the meat and skin off a Leviathan. The King Sepiad also attempted to eat Ratchet, Clank, Qwark and Nefarious and was also shown to be a cannibal, eating another Sepiad before fighting the heroes.
Behind the scenes[]

Sepiad skin on the blue team in Full Frontal Assault
Regular Sepiads were referred to as Crawbabys and the King Sepiad as the Crawdaddy in CreatureBox's art for All 4 One.