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Search the Cragmite Homeworld and Secure the Area are missions in Tools of Destruction, taking place in the cragmite ruins on Reepor. After Captain Qwark absconded with the Dimensionator, he unwittingly set course for the cragmite homeworld of Reepor, forcing Ratchet, Clank, Talwyn Apogee, Cronk, and Zephyr to follow him.


The mission "Search the Cragmite Homeworld" is completed as soon as you arrive at the planet, transitioning immediately into "Secure the Area." As with events on Rykan V, the mission starts with a HALO jump. Upon landing, you must engage in combat against various Imperial Army forces alongside Cronk and Zephyr. Shortly thereafter, Talwyn joins the fight, and the trio proves capable of consistently dealing considerable damage to enemies they focus on.

The weapons vendor on the left side does not offer any new items, but it is conveniently located nearby and can be used to replenish your ammunition when necessary. Additionally, you can jump back to the Aphelion on the platform behind you to access the armor vendor, which now stocks the Terraflux armor for 300,000 bolts. This armor may be out of reach at the moment due to its cost, however.

Secure the Area[]

Upon landing, a large group of drophyd troopers immediately attacks you, some of whom carry shields. These enemies are usally preoccupied with Cronk and Zephyr, giving you the opportunity to flank them using the Razor Claws or Pyro Blaster. Alternatively, you can opt for a safer approach by deploying Nano-Swarmers and utilizing the Negotiator against those that are clustered together. They will be quickly reinforced by a single enforcer, which are a high-value target for the Mag-Net Launcher, allowing Mag-Nets to disable them momentarily. Follow the Mag-Net up with either the Alpha Disruptor and Negotiator to finish them off quickly, or simply use the the Nano-Swarmers and Buzz Blades to defeat them over time.

Following the defeat of the initial wave, you will face Tachyon gunships and troopers. These will be followed by a pair of enforcers and three gunships that attack from behind. The subsequent wave consists of two Tachyon transport ships carrying troopers, culminating in another pair of enforcers.

After overcoming these enemies, a brief moment of reprieve ensues, followed by the continuation of the main objective with the "Deactivate the Forcefields" mission.
