Search the Mine is a mission in Tools of Destruction, taking place in a raritanium mine on Fastoon. Clank noted that only he was small enough to enter through the mine's entrance, while they were looking for all of the flight components during "Find the Lombax Ship Parts". When entering, he encountered the mysterious aliens known as the Zoni, who formally introduced themselves to him and taught him to use his ability to slow time.
Clank possesses his own Quick Select menu to command the Zoni. The "Follow" command must be used to awaken them. Stand on the pressure pad nearby until the gate ahead is fully open, and then proceed through it. The Zoni will grant Clank the ability to slow down time (press ), which affects everything else more significantly than Clank himself. Utilize this ability to pass through the second gate, as the distance between the gate and the switch is otherwise too large.
In the next area, you'll find several raritanium clusters. Be sure to break them, and use the Zoni's new "Levitation" ability to cross the gap and activate all of the tri-pads in time.
Beyond the third door, you'll come across a corridor with various piston machinery. Here, you must carefully employ your time-slowing ability. Defeat the clubber nanophyte ahead by punching it, and then use both levitation and time manipulation to cross the subsequent series of gaps. The Zoni can assist you in attacking the two bomber nanophytes by throwing energy bombs, but they cannot interact with your time ability. Use time manipulation and levitation to navigate through the rapid conveyor belts.
In the next room, you'll encounter a broken elevator where the Zoni will grant you access to the "Manipulate" command. Use this command to repair the elevator. Destroy the few nanophytes ahead and awaken the second group of Zoni to manipulate the second elevator. You can also use Manipulate to deconstruct objects, which you must do at the next large gate. This will lead you to another expansive chamber where you'll face a few nanophytes. Manipulate the large piece of machinery and activate all of the tri-pads in time to open the final gate.
After the cutscene, break open the remaining raritanium inside the mine and return to the entrance to continue with the main mission "Find the Lombax Ship Parts".