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Search the Factory is an optional mission in Rift Apart, taking place in Nefarious City, Corson V. After Mrs. Zurkon informed Ratchet of a Resistance spybot, Ratchet went to investigate.


Near the bazaar, use the Magneboots to climb the building on the right from the entrance, then take the stairs up to enter Nefarious Station, where a few medium-sized Nefarious Troopers fire lasers. A variety of weapons can be used to defeat them (such as the Shatterbomb or Burst Pistol), after which, use the Rift Tether to cross the gap to the right. Climb the wall with the wall jump and use the Rift Tether again, then turn the boltcrank to enter the Nefarious Business Factory.

Within the factory, boxes move around on conveyer belts throughout the room. To proceed through, jump on one of the boxes on the belt closest to the entrance then Phantom Dash to the conveyer belt behind, after which wall jump slots can be taken to the top to the room's exit. Small Nefarious Troopers are fought here, and can be dispatched with the Enforcer before proceeding down a corridor to the next room.

In the second large room with conveyer belts, it is once again necessary to jump on the large boxes on conveyer belts. Hop on the conveyer belt closest to the entrance and follow it to a ledge near the entrance (on which raritanium is located), then use the wall run to follow to a higher conveyer belt and then the other side. Shoot the Nefarious Trooper before descending to the corridor to the Nefarious Shipping Depot.

After landing in the shipping depot, several Nefarious Troopers appear from a train. Defeat them with similar tactics, then take caution before jumping ahead where two ranged troopers appear on the other side. After shooting them, head forward to the other side, where a larger number of troopers are fought including ones with maces. Focus on those with maces first, while taking cover behind boxes to avoid the lasers from the ranged enemies. Approach the spybot at the end to complete the mission.
