Search Cobalia is a mission in Tools of Destruction taking place in the spaceport on Cobalia. After restoring the gelatonium pumps the various machinery in the spaceport became active again, allowing Ratchet and Clank to search for items.
The goal of the mission, a gold bolt, was clearly shown in a short cutscene when you exited the gelatonium plant. The path to the bolt lies on a large platform behind the Smuggler's ship, from where you can use a pair of platforms rotating around a tower to reach a separate area. You only need to follow the linear path while the moving platforms serve as a simple skill test for timing and jumping. Halfway through you will run into a pair of raritanium chests. At the end is a large stack of crates, with the gold bolt in the middle, after which you can safely zipline back down.
Gold bolts have no practical gameplay usage, and are only used to purchase skins.