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This page includes the controls for Rift Apart. Originally released on the PlayStation 5, the game was later ported to PC. As such, both the controls for the standard DualSense controller and Keyboard & Mouse will be included.

Name Controls Effect
Move character Left analog stick W A S D Move the player character around.
Move camera Right analog stick Keyboard White Mouse Simple Move the camera around.
Jump X Spacebar Jump once.
Double jump X + X Spacebar + Spacebar Jump twice in the air for extra height.
Glide X (hold after double jump) Spacebar (hold after double jump) Glide slowly in the air.
Swing OmniWrench Square F Swing OmniWrench in front of player to attack.
Aim L2 Keyboard White Mouse Right Toggle aim, allowing the player to strafe while aiming.
Fire weapon R2 Keyboard White Mouse Left Fire equipped weapon.
Sphere Throw/Recall
Phantom Dash Circle L-Ctrl
Interact Triangle (when trigger is available) E (when trigger is available) Interact with character or object when prompted.
Toggle weapon Triangle (tap) Keyboard White Mouse Middle (tap) Toggle between last weapon equipped.
Quick select Triangle (hold) Keyboard White Mouse Middle (hold) Show quick select menu.
Drop from ledge R1 (tap) C (tap) Drop down from ledge player character is holding onto.
Hoverboots R1 (hold) C (hold) Activate and accelerate with the Hoverboots (once acquired).
Hoverboots Pump L2 / R2 Keyboard White Mouse Left / Keyboard White Mouse Right
Mount Boost R1 C
Swingshot / Rift Tether L1 Q
Flight Brake
Sprint L3 L-Shift
Show Objective R3 V
Hyper-strike X + Square Spacebar + F Jump in the air, strike the OmniWrench down to attack below, dealing more damage.
Comet-strike L2 + Square Keyboard White Mouse Right + F Throw the OmniWrench forward for a brief time, dealing damage or breaking objects, before it returns to player character. Used while aiming.
Shortcuts D-pad Arrow Keys
Pause PS5 Options Escape Pause game, entering pause menu.
Map screen PS5 Touchpad Tab View map.