Rescue Qwark, Rescue Qwark - Part 2, and Return to the Aphelion are missions in Tools of Destruction, taking place in Meridian City on Igliak. Captain Qwark had sent out a distress call to Ratchet and Clank, needing help as he was allegedly being held prisoner.
Head past the vendors for armor and devices to find the required Gyro-cycle launcher that will take you to the Sector 3 construction zone. Use the vehicle to enter the nearby hyper tunnel, emerging in a bowl-like area. Activate the nearby tri-pads to unlock another launcher, which brings you to another part of the construction zone. Here, you must use the Gyro-cycle's speed boost twice to cross a long path that will fall apart as soon as you cross it. Use the launcher to complete the mission, automatically continuing into "Rescue Qwark - Part 2".
This time, you must use the Robo-Wings to get through an air tunnel expressway. The only dangers are air cars, electrical fences, and falling monitors that only become slightly threatening when they start to fall down the middle. Upon reaching the end you have to fight a pair of cragmite warriors, after which the mission concludes and a cutscene starts. The Cragpoles that appear typically with the defeated warriors are automatically killed during the transition to the cutscene.
After the cutscene you only have to return to the Aphelion, from where you can return to Fastoon.