Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Repair the Beacon is a mission in Quest for Booty, taking place on Hoolefar Island on Merdegraw. After Ratchet and Talwyn fixed the wind turbines around the island, they were able to then repair the supply beacon, necessary to establish a radio signal to contact Rusty Pete.


After repairing the wind turbines, you will have to complete a series of tiny sub-missions: "Find the Beacon", wherein you have to talk to the Beacon Operator to learn about the missing part; "Find the Guy with the Beacon Part", wherein you have to find the Smuggler at the beach to learn he has the VersaBolt part; "Buy the Beacon Part", wherein you have to purchase it for 10,000 bolts; "Return the Beacon Part", wherein you have to return the part to the Operator; and finally "Repair the Beacon", which requires you to repair the actual beacon.

Rotating the bolt crank will raise up the structure and allow you to reach the beacon tower by using the kinetic tether to extend a bridge. Ascend up the grav-ramp and use the tether to move the square platform above the ramp and take it upwards with you. You will have to use the platform to cross gaps between the grav-ramp panels while simultaneously dodging the moving lasers. At the top, you only need to turn the second bolt crank to fix the beacon, after which you automatically teleport back down.

Next is another minor series of tiny sub-missions; Major Worley will call you, requiring you to go to him in the now-open room shown in the cutscene to access the Obsidian Eye in "Find the Mayor". After another cutscene, you will receive a transmission from Rusty Pete, whom you must meet at the beach in "Meet Rusty Pete at the beach". Lastly, you must go with Pete to the Morrow Caverns in "Travel to Morrow Caverns".

Ultimately this leads to the next mission "Find the body of Captain Darkwater".
