Recover the Fulcrum Star is a mission in Quest for Booty, taking place at the Azorean Sea on Merdegraw. Ratchet had to retrieve the Fulcrum Star and rescue Talwyn Apogee from the combined might of Captain Darkwater and Captain Slag.
Purchase the Alpha Cannon if you have not yet from the Smuggler, as this is your last chance prior to disembarking the pirate barge. The Alpha Cannon has a very small ammo capacity but deals an immense amount of damage, including to nearby enemies on impact.
Upon boarding the larger ship, you will be immediately hailed by Captain Slag and Darkwater. Slag will attack with his pistol, which is easy to avoid, although the shots do linger on the floor. Upon dealing enough damage (10% at most), he will flee, and buccaneers appear to attack you instead.
Some of the undead pirates will drop green glowing skulls, which can be picked up with the OmniWrench Millennium 12. You will need one to break the green cage that is holding Talwyn captive within the ship's interior. If you happen to lose all skulls, then new buccaneers will spawn (although they will appear regardless if you break the cage). Climb to the ship's top deck by using the ladder on the rear of the building, where you can use the catapult after defeating the two corsairs. However, if you use the zipline behind the corsairs, you can reach the last weapon upgrade: the Anti-Matter Transfluxor for the Alpha Cannon, which allows it to pierce through enemies.
Return to the catapult and launch yourself to Darkwater's ship to run into Slag and Darkwater again. Darkwater will take over and form a giant apparition, making the two invulnerable while being able to attack you by slamming down his swords, creating shockwaves. Dodge his attacks until he summons more buccaneers, who drop skulls that will remove Darkwater's ghost form, leaving Slag vulnerable. Slag will use his pistol and a new shockwave attack with his sword but is otherwise vulnerable as before. The Nano-Swarmers, Alpha Cannon, and Predator Launcher are recommended against Slag's vulnerable form. He will flee again after taking approximately another 30-40% damage.
Board the barge that will move alongside the ship afterwards and use it to reach another ship, whose hold you must enter. Defeat the swab inside, as well as the corsairs within the larger room. Use the bolt crank-operated platform to get to the main deck to encounter Slag again. Darkwater will not appear, although Slag will now also fly up close to you and swing his sword, alongside the pistol and shockwave attacks. Deal another 10% damage or so to cause him to flee again.
Several buccaneers, including one shielded variant, will appear on the deck through the nearby building, with several more corsairs and buccaneers awaiting you inside. Defeat them all, including the imprisoned swab after freeing it with a thrown skull. Exit through the rear to use another catapult, which launches you to a barge. Move from barge to barge, defeating the buccaneers as you go, until you reach Rusty Pete. Hang onto his ship's versa-target with the Swingshot as a free ride back to Darkwater's ship.
This final part of the boss fight will play out largely the same as previous encounters. You can dodge most of Darkwater's shockwave attacks by standing next to his throne, as they only require you to wait until the buccaneers appear. This time you will need two skulls to destroy the apparition. Slag's phase of the fight is identical to when you fought him last; pistol attacks, shockwaves, and sword swings. Eventually, Darkwater will recover, forcing you to wait for the buccaneers again to be able to attack Slag.
After their defeat, you are greeted with the final cutscene. After the credits, you will not have the option of entering challenge mode, although the story continues in A Crack in Time.