Reapers are an aggressive race of bipedal, muscular reptile-like beings featured in both Deadlocked and Secret Agent Clank. In the former, they first appeared in "The Tower of Power" challenge in the DreadZone Battledome, and thereafter in subsequent tournaments as well as in Maraxus' Prison. In the latter, they appeared in the Prison Planet, including a larger and tougher mega variant.
A playable reaper skin also appeared in Deadlocked's multiplayer.
Reapers have a muddy green skin, with a much darker shade covering their forearms and claws, and top of their heads. They wear clothing, consisting of brown pants and thick black biker jackets, with blood-red designs on the lapels and shoulders. They have thin legs, with two toes each, and a massive torso with long and thick arms, ending in three fingers each. Their head is on the front side of the torso, with their large upper back visible above it. Their underbite, filled with teeth jutting outwards, and many spikes on their back and head further complement their rough appearance.
The mega reapers in Secret Agent Clank have a purple-pink coloration, are larger, and have more pronounced forwards-facing head spikes.
From afar they will stand still and fire a series of spikes from their back, which then arc downwards onto the target area. Up close they can also belch acid, although this is severely lacking in range compared to the spikes. They often appear alone or in pairs, and generally have enough toughness they cannot be taken out instantly. As they provide artillery support to other enemies, they are best taken out early, using a strong ranged weapon like the Fusion Rifle or The Arbiter.
In Deadlocked, the Freeze Mod is an effective way to disable them for some time, although hiding behind a Holoshield can also work provided the spikes' firing angle is watched out for.
In Secret Agent Clank, long-range weapons such as the Dual Lacerators can be effective against them, as their attacks are mostly mid-range in comparison to others. Though they are very tough enemies compared to the other enemies fought by Ratchet, the Walloper is generally ineffective against them, as it will not deal enough damage, and they are dangerous in close quarters. The Shard Gun is helpful in slowing them down, as they are not particularly fast.