Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Ratchet & Clank menu transcript comprises the full verbal transcript of the menu screens and descriptions in Ratchet & Clank.

See Ratchet & Clank (2016 game) script for the verbal transcript of in-game dialogue.

For information regarding the format and layout of this article, see the transcript guideline.

Difficulty level[]

(Selectable on the main menu when starting a new playthrough.)


Perfect for rookies. Enemies take it easy, controls are simplified, and the camera automatically adjusts.


An adventure for experienced players whose middle name may or may not be "Danger." (But it probably isn't, because that would be weird.)


For expert players who like to fight Sharkigators barehanded and walk away from explosions in slow-motion.

Challenge mode[]

(Selectable on the main menu after completing a playthrough.)

Keep all your weapons and replay a harder version of the game to get new weapon upgrades and earn more bolts with the bolt multiplier!

By starting a new challenge mode game, existing Save Data will be overwritten. Are you sure you want to start a new challenge mode game?

X OK Circle Cancel


You don't have any weapons yet!

Fusion Grenade[]

This lobbed bomb creates an explosive blast on impact.

Fusion Bomb[]

Upon exploding, grenades will release a cluster of Pyrocidic Nitroballs.

Omega Fusion Bomb[]

Modular refactoring of the original Fusion Grenade has led to explosive new possibilities for the bomb and its accompanying Nitroballs.


This blaster fires burning balls of plasma. Does light damage but has a deep ammo pool and is a good fallback weapon for any situation.


This blaster sends burning plasma through a thermal prism to fire superheated shots.

Omega Magmabuster[]

With a Terachnoid microfurnace, plasma shots can be heated to unprecedented levels. Combined with the patented thermal prism, this blaster runs hot.


Fires a stream of burning pyrocidic fluid. Great for keeping touchy-feely enemies out of your personal space.


Pyrocidic fuel plus Lavamorph particles equals exploding victims and superheated embers.

Omega Lavacitor[]

Replace traditional Pyrocidic fuel with hybrid Lavacidic fuel and flames will burn hotter and hotter.

Proton Drum[]

Deploy a supermassive pseudo-atom that regularly emanates a wide disc of damaging subatomic energy.


Pseudo-atom isotopes emit a cloud of subatomic energy that arcs towards the nearest enemy.

Omega Protoclast[]

Irresponsible and dangerous research has led to the discovery of new pseudo-elements with even more powerful levels of subatomic energy.

Predator Launcher[]

This weapon's multi-lock sensor array can guide deadly predator rockets to several targets simultaneously.

Raptor Launcher[]

Predator missiles now have their own sensor array and can guide a pack of Raptor sub-missiles to each locked target.

Omega Raptor Launcher[]

This launcher deploys a pack of Primal Raptor missiles, manufactured after pack lock-on behavior was introduced but before safety limiters were added.

Mr. Zurkon[]

This humble synthenoid is programmed to protect its operator on the battlefield.

Zurkon Jr.[]

Each Zurkon is accompanied by a small but violent protégé.

Omega Zurkon Jr.[]

This pair of Zurkons possess class-D aggression licenses, permitting their weapons to be upgraded far beyond recommended safety thresholds.


This weapon creates an instant dance party, making enemies vulnerable to attack.


Each dance party ends with a big bang thanks to a new Nitrofetti filling.

Omega Groovibomb[]

Giving the standard Groovitron a liquid Freestylium core blows the ceiling off of each dance party's duration.


This close-range arm cannon fires a burst of energy that blasts enemies back in time. A time when resolution was a lot lower.

Pixelizer HD[]

Charge up this new-and-improved Pixelizer to release the giant "Megablast 64."

Omega Pixelizer HD[]

Swap the Pixelizer's liquid-crystal chamber out for a cathode-ray-tube and you've got a weapon so retro that it tears at the very bits of its enemies.

Plasma Striker[]

Use the bioscope's three zoom levels to identify enemy weak points, then hit them where it hurts.

Plasma Slayer[]

Using the bioscope temporarily increases the shooter's metabolism, which activates slow motion. Science!

Omega Plasma Slayer[]

Recurved magna-coils allow this time-slowing rifle to upgrade projectile speed to immeasurable levels, increasing its damage potential.


The mighty rocket launcher, complete with a planet-shaking explosion.


Upon exploding, warheads will release a flurry of Thermal Microrockets.

Omega Peacemaker[]

An exemption to energy-density restrictions allows this rocket launcher's warheads and Microrockets to be upgraded to megaton payloads.

Buzz Blades[]

Launches jagged spinning discs that arc through the air, bouncing around between enemies and walls to wreak havoc.

Doom Blades[]

Traditional blades are swapped out for lightweight, super fast Carbonox-fiber blades.

Omega Doom Blades[]

A Serration Fabricator allows this weapon to modify its high-speed Carbonox-fiber blades on the fly to increase damage potential even further.

Glove of Doom[]

Toss out a gang of angry robotic minions that seek out enemies and detonate on contact.

Apocalypse Glove[]

Agents of Doom are outfitted with rocket thrusters, giving them a deadly leap attack.

Omega Apocalypse Glove[]

Rocket-powered Agents of Doom are outfitted with extradimensional compartments, allowing them to continue being stuffed with an obscene amount of explosives.


This beam can transmogrify enemies into harmless woolly grass-fed creatures. Sheepinating a sheep causes a powerful Paradoxplosion.


Transmogrify enemies into a primal breed of goat that aggressively attack anything without wool.

Omega Goatinator[]

Adjustable polymorphic resonators allow this weapon to transmogrify enemies into violent goats with ever-greater efficiency.


Launch an Omni-grenade that releases a bundle of Magnebouncers that are drawn towards enemies.

Heavy Bouncer[]

Launch an improved Omni-grenade that deploys Magnebouncers that release part of their payload on each bounce.

Omega Heavy Bouncer[]

This Omni-grenade launcher can deliver the heaviest payload in its class allowing its Omni-grenades to be upgraded significantly. Saturation bombing has never been easier.


This hard-to-find super weapon fires a dense hail of bullets accompanied by volleys of rockets.

RYNO Xtreme![]

Slugs now use Fluginium, which MIGHT cause a massive explosion. Naturally, volleys of rockets are fired in tandem.

Omega RYNO Xtreme!!![]

When the galactic weapons oversight committee asked the designer of this near-mythical weapon of mass destruction what the maximum possible damage this weapon could achieve between its insanely high fire rate of Fluginium-infused slugs and missile volleys, she answered simply "Infinity."


You don't have any gadgets yet!


Wearing these allows Ratchet to slide along grind rails.


Wearing these allows Ratchet to walk on magnesurfaces.


Clank's internal versa-motors can boost the team's underwater mobility.


An upgrade for Clank to greatly increase the team's aerial mobility.


In addition to granting Ratchet and Clank short bursts of extreme speed, this robotic upgrade is powerful enough to allow Ratchet to crank thruster turbines.


With this upgrade installed on Clank, head to your nearest fueling station and take to the skies.


With one of these you can participate in the popular galactic pastime of Hoverboard racing.


This device uses advanced poly-laser technology to hack internal photon receptors to trigger the locks.


This device when hooked up to a receptacle, grabs and removes all of the excess space in between atoms to compress nearly any size body of liquid into the device to be transported to any location and released into another receptacle.


This sneaky device allows Ratchet to parade around as a boisterous celebrity.

O2 Mask[]

Once outfitted with an O2 mask, Galactic Rangers can breathe comfortably in practically any environment.


By tuning into a specific frequency of atomic excitement, this device can augment your map with the specific location of anything possessing the physical quality of "interesting."


Clank can reprogram these versatile robotic helpers to power machines and access new areas.

Gadgebot Transformer[]

This handy update allows Clank to transform held Gadgebots on the fly!

Box Breaker[]

Once installed on an Omniwrench, performing a hyper strike will emit a wide-radius shock-wave of compressed air. Those crates never stood a chance.

Omniwrench 8000[]

This trusty tool can be used in a variety of ways such as liberating bolts from crates, walloping nearby enemies, and taking brownies out of the oven.


This energy-based grapnel device is compatible with a broad range of versa-targets.

Weapon upgrades[]



Don't you hate it when you can't shoot anymore? Get more ammo!

Area of Effect[]

Make your danger zone even larger.

Bonus Bolts[]

Shake down enemies for even more bolts.

Bonus Raritanium[]

Shake down enemies for even more Raritanium.


Want your weapon to stick around a little longer? This is your upgrade.


Shake down enemies for even more Holocards.

Impact Damage[]

Direct hits cause even more damage.

Mystery Upgrade[]

Unlock all the surrounding hexes to receive this mystery upgrade.


Strike your enemies from an even more comfortable distance.

Rate of Fire[]

Overwhelm enemies by sending shots their way even faster.

Fusion Grenade/(Omega) Fusion Bomb[]

Frictionless Hopper (Mystery Upgrade)[]

After tossing out a grenade the Fusion Glove deploys a fresh grenade to your hand even more efficiently, increasing your rate of fire.

Servo-assisted Pitch (Mystery Upgrade)[]

The Fusion Glove uses rotary actuators to enhance the range of your grenade throws.

Telehopper (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Telequip technology is repurposed to put fresh grenades in your hand even faster, increasing your rate of fire.

Combuster/(Omega) Magmabuster[]

Stable Plasma (Mystery Upgrade)[]

The Combuster's plasma balls travel even further before burning out, allowing you to pick off enemies from a longer range.

BOGO Plasma (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Combuster ammo stored in ammo crates comes with twice as many shots.

Heavy Plasma (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Every plasma ball hits with extra force, knocking enemies back and briefly stunning them.

Prism Facets (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Each shot splits into additional plasma balls in a wider spread.

Pyrocitor/(Omega) Lavacitor[]

Stream Width[]

Makes the Pyrocidic stream even wider.

Ember Damage[]

Lavamorph embers cause even more damage to nearby enemies.

Pressurized Canisters (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Each canister stored in an ammo crate contains more Pyrocidic fuel.

Extradimensional Tank (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Hydrodisplacer technology is repurposed to store a massive amount of Pyrocidic fuel in a tiny tank, increasing ammo.

Lavamorph Isotopes (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Explosions caused by Lavamorph particles produce even more deadly embers.

Proton Drum/(Omega) Protoclast[]

Constructive Resonator (Mystery Upgrade)[]

This casing mod synchronizes the wavelength of all nearby cores, allowing an additional core to deploy simultaneously.

Frictionless Casing (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Smooth lightweight casing allows the core to travel further before landing.

Pseudo-quantum Particles (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Unobserved pseudo-atoms are trapped in a state of positive binary existence, increasing the number of cores that can be held as ammo.

Subatomic Polarizer (Mystery Upgrade)[]

The core's energy cloud can arc towards an additional target simultaneously.

Predator Launcher/(Omega) Raptor Launcher[]

Targeting Cone[]

Acquire targets across an even wider area.

Lock Speed[]

Lock on to targets faster.

Critical Cores (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Each missile contains a Fluginium core to increase the size of its explosion.

Overclocked Sensors (Mystery Upgrade)[]

By employing a temporal scanning algorithm the weapon is able to guide additional simultaneous missiles.

Ammo Loyalty Card (Mystery Upgrade)[]

For being such a good consumer, the Gadgetron Corporation is offering two-for-one Predator Launcher ammo in ammo crates.

Recursion Depth (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Each Raptor warhead comes with additional missiles, increasing the number of locks that can be made on a single target.

Mr. Zurkon/(Omega) Zurkon Jr.[]

Shot Count[]

Each Zurkon comes loaded with even more shots.

Rate of Fire (Zurkon)[]

Zurkons can fire even faster.

Hyperbolic Optics (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Improved scanners allow Zurkon to identify and fire on targets from even further away.

Dormancy Protocol (Mystery Upgrade)[]

More inactive Zurkons can be stored without a fight breaking out, increasing ammo.

Groovitron/(Omega) Groovibomb[]

Bonus Bolts (Groovitron)[]

Dancing enemies drop even more bolts when defeated.


Dancing enemies take even more damage.

Nesting Balls (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Backup Groovitrons are stacked inside each other to enable even more ammo to be carried.

Double Disco (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Addition of the syncho-funk capacitor allows a second Groovitron to be deployed at the same time.

Nitrofetti Amplifier (Mystery Upgrade)[]

A small resonating pulse destabilizes the Groovitron's Nitrofetti, resulting in an even bigger explosion at the end.

Pixelizer/(Omega) Pixelizer HD[]

Overclock Tweak[]

The Pixelizer HD charges even faster.

Health Genie (Mystery Upgrade)[]

The instruction manual for this banned mod claims that it "exploits a glitch" to occasionally "spawn health pickups" whenever enemies are defeated. Whatever that means.

Ammo Shark (Mystery Upgrade)[]

When enemies are defeated, this banned mod occasionally "stomps the asset ID" of a single bolt, somehow transforming it into ammo.

Double Buffer (Mystery Upgrade)[]

A secondary buffer allows the Pixelizer to refresh even faster, increasing rate of fire.

Plasma Striker/(Omega) Plasma Slayer[]

Critical Hit Damage[]

Critical hits hit even more critically.

Raritanium Coating (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Special rounds fire straight through enemies, making each shot twice as lethal!

Hollow Points (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Enemies have larger weak points, and the bolts shatter on impact.

Adrenal Scope (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Looking through the bioscope puts the shooter in a state of metabolic flow, making the world around them appear even slower.

Warmonger/(Omega) Peacemaker[]

Thermal Targeting (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Rockets will home in on enemies' heat signatures.

Heavy Bearings (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Stronger bearings can support the weight of additional missiles, increasing max ammo.

Microrocket Expansion (Mystery Upgrade)[]

An additional Microrocket is deployed with each warhead.

Buzz Blades/(Omega) Doom Blades[]

Reinforced Blades (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Each blade can bounce off of an additional target before breaking apart.

Blade Splitter (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Each fresh blade splits into two hemi-blades upon initial impact.

Alternating Spindle (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Each ammo crate can hold even more blades due to a clever alternating stacking method.

Glove of Doom/(Omega) Apocalypse Glove[]

Agent Awareness[]

Agents of Doom can locate targets from even further away.

Agent Speed[]

Agents of Doom run even faster.

Compact Casing (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Nanofabrication allows an additional Agent of Doom to fit into each grenade.

Packing Matrix (Mystery Upgrade)[]

A tetrahedral packing matrix allows an additional Agent of Doom to fit inside each grenade.

Multistage Rockets (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Upgraded rocket thrusters allow Agents of Doom to leap to targets from even further away.

Sheepinator/(Omega) Goatinator[]

Paradoxplosion Radius[]

Paradoxplosions from sheepinating sheep are even larger.

Reinforced Keratin[]

Transmogrified goats deal additional damage to enemies.

Fleece Capacitor (Mystery Upgrade)[]

The transmogrification process becomes unstable, sending out a shockwave of energy that transmogrifies nearby enemies.

Golden Fleece (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Transmogrify enemies into a rare breed that possesses even more bolts.

Polymorphic Attack (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Goat attacks have polymorphic aura, allowing them to transmogrify other enemies.

Bouncer/(Omega) Heavy Bouncer[]

Magnet Strength[]

Magnebouncers are more strongly attracted to enemies.

Extended Fuse[]

Longer fuses mean more time to magnetize towards enemies.

Magnebouncer Count[]

Deploy additional Magnebouncers with each shot.

Bounce Explosion Area of Effect (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Each Omni-grenade has been packaged with even more explosives for bigger explosions on each bounce.

Area of Effect (Mystery Upgrade)[]

A smidgen of Gelatonium was added to each of the bombs to increase the payload.

Collapsible Omni-grenade Frames (Mystery Upgrade)[]

By collapsing Omni-grenade frames and installing Magnebouncers only moments before deployment, additional ammo can be carried.

RYNO/(Omega) RYNO Xtreme!(!!)[]

Missile Rate of Fire[]

Increase collateral damage by launching missiles even faster.

Rate of Fire (RYNO)[]

Increase the density of the already-insanely-dense hail of bullets.

Detonation Chance[]

Slugs are more likely to cause a massive explosion on impact.

Missile Nanocasing (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Reliable old missile casing is replaced with a nano-thin layer of metal that barely holds the rocket together until impact. The result is an unrestrained explosion that reaches an even wider area.

Refined Fluginium (Mystery Upgrade)[]

Slightly-less-depleted Fluginium is used for slug cores, causing an even bigger explosion when a critical mass event occurs.

Holocard collection[]


  • Completed Set Bonus: The rate at which holocards drop has increased by 5%.

Grim's Workshop[]

The place to go if you need to clean your dusty hyper-throttler, or want to squeeze a little more power out of your backup propulsion module. They charge fair prices and have the crankiest customer service this side of Krell Canyon.

  • Location: Veldin
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2016)

Kyzil Plateau[]

The Kyzil Plateau, on the planet Veldin, is home to Horny Toads, Skreeducks, and a lovable Lombax named Ratchet.

  • Location: Veldin
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


Ratchet's cantankerous boss and owner of a spaceship repair business on Veldin. Grimroth has a brother named Felton who lives on Pokitaru.

  • Homeworld: Veldin
  • Job: Garage Owner
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2016)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The amount of Raritanium you earn has increased by 5%.

Novalis Valley[]

Novalis is home to 3,253 different species of insects. But they will only bite if you are rude. So mind your manners.

  • Location: Novalis
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


Novalis has some of the galaxy's most complex sewers, and thus is home to the galaxy's best handyman, The Plumber.

  • Location: Novalis
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

The Plumber[]

Plumbers fix what needs fixing. But this plumber can also see into the future. And the past-- but that's not really that impressive, since we can all see into the past.

  • Homeworld: Novalis
  • Job: Uh...Plumber
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The amount of Raritanium you earn has increased by 5%.

Sandshark Valley[]

Aridia is...ahem...swimming with Sandsharks. Particularly in the creatively-named "Sandshark Valley," where you definitely do NOT want to go barefoot.

  • Location: Aridia
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Skidd's Store[]

Like any sports celebrity, Skidd McMarx is doing whatever he can to capitalize on his success and grow his brand. Phase one of his plan is to open a series of Skidd-branded extreme sports stores. Phase two is to rename the Solana galaxy, "Skidd McMarx." His agent's still working on the paperwork for that one.

  • Location: Aridia
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2016)

Skidd McMarx[]

A radical hoverboarder who signed a record deal for his deep and introspective spoken-word poetry. Dude. Whoa.

  • Homeworld: Rilgar
  • Job: Professional Hoverboarder
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The rate at which holocards drop has increased by 5%.

Qwark's Training Course[]

Captain Qwark wanted to build a training course in order to keep himself and the other Galactic Rangers in tip-top shape. He hired the galaxy's best architects and kinesiologists to design the "perfect" fitness course, which focused on agility, strength, and cardiovascular efficiency. Then he threw those plans in the trash and built something he thought looked really cool.

  • Location: Kerwan
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Galactic Ranger HQ[]

The Galactic Ranger Headquarters is where Captain Qwark and the other Rangers monitor events across the galaxy, and manufacture high-end custom weapons and gadgets. It's also the highest concentration of #humblebrag selfies across seven star systems.

  • Location: Kerwan
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2016)

Big Al[]

The universe's number one electronics and all-around tech guy.

  • Homeworld: Kerwan
  • Job: Roboshack Owner
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The rate at which holocards drop has increased by 5%.

Blackwater City Hoverboard Course[]

This hoverboard course, designed by classic hoverboard hero RJ Dixon, is home to the annual Blackwater City Hoverboard Race, where Skidd McMarx and Chester St. Cloud battled to a photo finish three years in a row.

  • Location: Rilgar
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


The sewers in Rilgar are not only stinky, but also home to a thriving underground weapons market. One might even go so far as to say it's a wretched hive of scum and villainy. You should be cautious.

  • Location: Rilgar
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Skidd's Agent[]

His real name is Don Wonderstar, but everybody calls him Skidd's Agent, because that's what happens when you try to live off the fame of others.

  • Homeworld: Rilgar
  • Job: Sports Agent
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The amount of Raritanium you earn has increased by 5%.

Space Station[]

Nebula G34 is home to a top secret Blarg Tactical Research Station. But because I am an omniscient narrator, I can tell you it's where Drek is hiding a super-powerful Predator Launcher, as well as the most fearsome creature in the galaxy, the Snagglebeast.

  • Location: Nebula G34
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


This Warship is the pride of the Blargian fleet. Not only is it the most powerful Warship in the galaxy, but it was also built to convert into a luxury hotel in times when the Blarg are not at war. But that never happens, which is a pity, because there are a lot of exfoliating soaps and lavender shampoos going unused.

  • Location: Nebula G34
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Blargian Snagglebeast[]

The Snagglebeast is one of Drek's many secret projects. It can shoot fireballs from its hands, and probably other parts of his body.

  • Homeworld: Orxon
  • Job: Scary Beast
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The amount of Raritanium you earn has increased by 5%.

Lava Fields[]

The word "inhospitable" was created to describe the landscape of the hottest and steamiest planet in the galaxy, Gaspar. But that didn't stop Dr. Nefarious from creating his own top secret research facility among its lava fields.

  • Location: Gaspar
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Blarg Depot[]

The Blarg Depot on Gaspar is where Dr. Nefarious manufactures all sorts of weapons and gadgets for the Blarg. Rumor has it they are working on a top-secret Blargian Jetpack.

  • Location: Gaspar
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Brain Scientist[]

A Blargian scientist who is strangely obsessed with collecting Telepathopus brains. As far as hobbies go, probably not the safest one to pick.

  • Homeworld: Rilgar
  • Job: Scientist
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2016)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The amount of Raritanium you earn has increased by 5%.

Rail Transit System[]

The engineers who devised this transit system skipped class on the day they studied Occam's Razor. Instead, they went to the amusement park and rode roller coasters all day.

  • Location: Batalia
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Fort Krontos[]

Fort Krontos was built to house and protect the Starwatch Defense Cannon, which is the most powerful ion blaster in the known universe.

  • Location: Batalia
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


Cora Verolux is one of the famous Galactic Rangers. Her specialty is finding trouble and kicking its butt. She was born and raised on the planet Novalis.

  • Homeworld: Novalis
  • Job: Galactic Ranger
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2016)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The rate at which holocards drop has increased by 5%.

Warbot Factory[]

Skorg City, on planet Quartu, is home to many things. Pollution, darkness, and lots of angry Blarg. But perhaps its most striking feature is the Warbot Factory, which, you guessed it, creates Warbots. It is also the number one emitter of poisonous gasses in its solar system. At least they have something to be proud of.

  • Location: Quartu
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Skorg City[]

Chairman Drek uses Skorg City as his base of operations for all things evil. For example, he purposely slows down the internet speed all around the planet, then charges people exorbitant prices to get "super-fast" speeds.

  • Location: Quartu
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2016)


After Drek's homeworld became uninhabitable, he decided to steal parts of other planets to create a new homeworld for the Blarg. Sounds like a good idea, if you're an evil megalomaniac.

  • Homeworld: Orxon
  • Job: Blarg Dictator
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The rate at which holocards drop has increased by 5%.

Jowai Resort[]

Kick back, relax, and enjoy the good life at the picturesque Jowai resort on Pokitaru. Live the "island way," which means no mobile phones, no socks, and no worries!

  • Location: Pokitaru
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Scenic Sewers[]

On Pokitaru, even the sewers are beautiful! Yes, they may have a slightly "off" odor, but you can blame that on the Amoeboids. Those things refuse to use proper hygiene.

  • Location: Pokitaru
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Felton Razz[]

Felton's brother Grimroth calls him a "slacker," but Felton prefers to classify himself as a professional chillaxer. He moved to Pokitaru for its sun, scenery, and fishing.

  • Homeworld: Veldin
  • Job: Resort Owner
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2016)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The amount of Raritanium you earn has increased by 5%.

Starship Phoenix[]

The Starship Phoenix is the home away from home for the Galactic Rangers. It is equipped with the most powerful hyperdrive in the galaxy, and enough weapons to battle an entire Blarg armada. But its most prized feature is a one-of-a-kind multi-compatible VG9000 game system, capable of playing any videogame in existence.

  • Location: Various
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (2004)

Engine Room[]

The Starship Phoenix has some of the most powerful engines in the universe. Legend has it there's an angry poltergeist that haunts the engine rooms. Or that could just be a story the engineers made up so that when things don't work, they have something to blame other than themselves.

  • Location: Starship Phoenix
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2016)


Elaris is in charge of developing Galactic Ranger gear, and providing technical support. She is one of the smartest women in the galaxy, and completely dedicated to her job.

  • Homeworld: Kerwan
  • Job: Galactic Ranger
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2016)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The amount of Raritanium you earn has increased by 5%.

Drek's Office[]

The less said about Drek, the better. But one thing is for sure, his office on the Deplanetizer is where he cooks up some of his more nefarious plans (pun intended).

  • Location: Deplanetizer
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

New Quartu[]

New Quartu is Chairman Drek's dream come true, but a nightmare for everyone else. Drek grew jealous of everyone else in the galaxy that had beautiful homes, so he destroyed them all, then took pieces of each planet and put them together to create his own planet. It should also be pointed out that Drek was not at the top of his class.

  • Location: Deplanetizer
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Dr. Nefarious[]

A genius but evil scientist intent on defeating the Galactic Rangers. Most appropriate name ever.

  • Homeworld: Kerwan
  • Job: Mad Scientist
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (2004)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The rate at which holocards drop has increased by 5%.

Gadgetron Headquarters[]

If you're a fan of awesome weapons, you'll love visiting Gadgetron Headquarters, where you'll be able to see early prototypes of The Glove of Doom, the Groovitron, and maybe even the super-secret RYNO.

  • Location: Kalebo III
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Gadgetron Hoverboard Course[]

Gadgetron makes weapons, but CEO Wendell Lumos is also interested in appealing to a younger demographic. When his marketing team showed him the rising popularity of Hoverboarding, he decided to build his own course at Gadgetron HQ. He wanted to christen the course himself, but broke a hip on the first run. And that's how he was introduced to the sad reality of aging.

  • Location: Kalebo III
  • System: Solana
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Wendell Lumos[]

Wendell Lumos is founder and CEO of Gadgetron. He is a salesman at heart, always trying to bring in more revenue for his company. He even sponsored a hoverboard race, because that's what kids like these days. Or at least that's what his advisers told him.

  • Homeworld: Kalebo III
  • Job: CEO of Gadgetron
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Hero Set[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: The number of bolts you earn has increased by 5%.


An expert mechanic who dreams of grand adventures, Ratchet finally gets his chance after Clank crash-lands on Veldin. The two team up, become Galactic Rangers, and save the universe. Because that's what heroes do.

  • Homeworld: Veldin
  • Job: Galactic Ranger
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


Incredibly intelligent but diminutive warbot. Teams up with Ratchet to save the universe whenever the universe needs saving.

  • Homeworld: Quartu
  • Job: Galactic Hero
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


Copernicus Leslie Qwark describes himself as the greatest hero in the universe, but in reality he is a fraud. Qwark will do anything for fame or money.

  • Homeworld: Kerwan
  • Job: Galactic Superhero and Narcissist
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Girl Power[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: The number of bolts you earn has increased by 5%.

Angela Cross[]

Also known as The Unknown Thief, Angela Cross was a former geneticist for Megacorp. She helped develop the Protopet, but when she complained to management that it couldn't be controlled, she was fired. She eventually teamed up with Ratchet and Clank to save the universe from Megacorp's greedy plan to mass-produce Protopets.

  • Homeworld: Grelbin
  • Job: Genetic Scientist
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003)

Darla Gratch[]

Dogged field reporter for Channel 64, the universe's #1 source for news.

  • Homeworld: Unknown
  • Job: News Reporter
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Talwyn Apogee[]

A tough and fearless Markazian, Talwyn was the daughter of the famous explorer Max Apogee. One of the few who can actually read the Lombax language.

  • Homeworld: Markazia
  • Job: Adventurer
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The number of bolts you earn has increased by 5%.

Ace Hardlight[]

Once a galactic superhero, Ace fell on hard times until becoming a contestant on the popular reality show DreadZone. Ace eventually became the star of the show and the leader of the Exterminators.

  • Homeworld: Bolden III
  • Job: DreadZone Exterminator
  • First Appearance: Ratchet: Deadlocked (2005)

Gleeman Vox[]

The architect of the Vox Network, this slimy Slademan will do anything to get ratings. His crowning achievement was DreadZone, which at one time was the most popular entertainment program in the universe.

  • Homeworld: Unknown
  • Job: Entertainment Executive
  • First Appearance: Ratchet: Deadlocked (2005)

Merc & Green[]

Two capable combat bots that helped Ratchet when he was a contestant on DreadZone. Afterward, they went on to assume leadership of the Ratchet fan club.

  • Homeworld: Unknown
  • Job: Combat Bots
  • First Appearance: Ratchet: Deadlocked (2005)

Crack in Time[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: The number of bolts you earn has increased by 5%.


Originally a cleaner bot, Sigma 0426A was hired by Orvus to become Junior Caretaker of the Great Clock. After helping Ratchet and Clank save the universe, he was promoted to Senior Caretaker.

  • Homeworld: Viceron
  • Job: Senior Caretaker of the Great Clock
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (2009)


The greatest of all Zoni, Orvus not only created the Great Clock, he also created his son and Ratchet's best friend, Clank.

  • Homeworld: The Zoni Dimension
  • Job: Architect of the Great Clock
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (2009)

Alister Azimuth[]

Revered general in the Lombax Praetorian Guard, Alister spent time with Ratchet's father when they were young. But when Alister agreed to give Tachyon access to Lombax technology, Tachyon betrayed him and used the technology to kill Ratchet's father, along with many other Lombaxes. Alister tried desperately to undo his mistake by controlling the Great Clock, but Ratchet stopped him and saved the universe in the process.

  • Homeworld: Fastoon
  • Job: Lombax Leader
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (2009)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The number of bolts you earn has increased by 5%.


A veteran warbot who, along with his fellow warbot Zephyr, swore to protect Talwyn Apogee.

  • Homeworld: Igliak
  • Job: Veteran Warbot
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)


A veteran warbot who, along with his fellow warbot Cronk, swore to protect Talwyn Apogee.

  • Homeworld: Igliak
  • Job: Veteran Warbot
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)

Rusty Pete[]

Former scallywag, now successful restaurateur. Currently developing a business plan to take advantage of the new double-fried chocolate-dipped bagel craze.

  • Homeworld: Merdegraw
  • Job: Space Pirate
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The number of bolts you earn has increased by 5%.


Ugly, violent, annoying creatures known for their warmongering and hubris. The Lombaxes fought the Cragmites in the Great War, which resulted in the downfall of both races.

  • Homeworld: Reepor
  • Job: Insecto-reptilian Warriors
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)

Percival Tachyon[]

Self-appointed leader of the Cragmites. Percival was raised by Lombaxes, but grew to hate them after learning that Lombax technology was used to transport all Cragmites to dimension X2-49.

  • Homeworld: Kreeli Comet
  • Job: Cragmite Tyrant
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)


A race of aquatic beasts who can survive outside of water due to their advanced survival suits.

  • Homeworld: Zaurik
  • Job: Really Smart Fish
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)

Fusion Grenade (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of the Fusion Bomb for purchase in Challenge Mode.

Fusion Grenade (Card)[]

Can be upgraded to the Fusion Bomb, which adds Intelli-Seeking Pyrocidic Nitroballs. Which is nice.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Thermonuclear Hand Grenade
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)

Bouncer (Card)[]

Can be upgraded to a Heavy Bouncer, which is kind of redundant when you think about it.

  • Manufacturer: Megacorp
  • Class: Bomb Thrower
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003)

B6 Obliterator[]

Voted "Weapon of the Year" by the Galactic Association of Ridiculously Unnecessary Firepower. You'll buy it for the precision ground targeting, but love it for its gratuitous destruction!

  • Manufacturer: Vox Industries
  • Class: Grenade Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet: Deadlocked (2005)

Combuster (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of the Magmabuster for purchase in Challenge Mode.


Never embark on an intergalactic adventure without your trusty ion blaster. Or your toothbrush. But if you have to choose, go with the blaster.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Laser Weapon
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Combuster (Card)[]

The Combuster is spelled "Combustor" in Europe, because Europe is fancy.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Plasma Blaster
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)

Dual Vipers[]

Sure to please even the most hard-boiled weapons fanatics in the galaxy. The nano-optic refire technology and unparalleled ammo capacity promise a better tomorrow for all DreadZone contestants.

  • Manufacturer: Vox Industries
  • Class: Dual Pistols
  • First Appearance: Ratchet: Deadlocked (2005)

Groovitron (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of the Groovibomb for purchase in Challenge Mode.

Groovitron (Card)[]

Uses scientifically-proven harmonic wavelengths to hypnotize enemies. Affected targets shake their bodies in rhythmic patterns, some of which may be socially inappropriate.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Groovy Disco Ball
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)

Groovitron Glove[]

Can be upgraded to the Alpha Groovitron Glove, which emits Groovitrons with more lights for a longer duration.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Groovitron Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (2009)

Groovitron Mine[]

A silent and slightly creepy individual with a painted face that compels you to dance whenever...oh, wait. That's a Groovitron Mime. Sorry.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Dancing Machine
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault (2012)

Pyrocitor (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of the Lavacitor for purchase in Challenge Mode.

Pyrocitor (Card)[]

A close range fire-based weapon that is perfect for dispatching swarms of smaller enemies. It cooks, it toasts, it even flame-broils. Try it at your next barbecue!

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Flamethrower
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Pyro Blaster[]

Can be upgraded to the Incinerator, which burns things even hotter.

  • Manufacturer: Kerchu/GrummelNet
  • Class: Flamethrower
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)

OmegaTech Frost Cannon[]

Sprays a beam of frost and ice that gradually freezes an enemy. When multiple frost cannon beams strike an enemy it creates a devastating arctic blast that freezes other nearby enemies. Perfect for turning your enemies into frozen dinner.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Frost Beam
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (2011)

Pixelizer (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of the Pixelizer HD for purchase in Challenge Mode.

Pixelizer (Card)[]

This close-range arm cannon fires a burst of energy that blasts enemies back in time. A time when resolutions were lower and televisions often came in big wooden cabinets.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Digital Manipulator
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2016)

Sonic Eruptor[]


  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Sound Weapon
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (2009)

Temporal Repulsor[]

A shotgun-like weapon that knocks back enemies. It uses quantum energy to add even more stopping power to its deadly ammunition.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Shotgun
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus (2013)

Warmonger (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of the Peacemaker for purchase in Challenge Mode.

Warmonger (Card)[]

Shoots multiple rockets at once. Even more if it's upgraded, which, let's be honest, is kind of overkill.

  • Manufacturer: Terraklon/GrummelNet
  • Class: Rocket Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (2011)


Can be upgraded to the Judicator, which means that not only do you destroy your enemies, you judge them as well. It's harsh.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Rocket Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)


Fires high velocity carbonox-armor-piercing rockets whose explosions reverberate across the fabric of space and time and into dimensions as yet unknown. Ace Hardlight gave this weapon its name after using it to settle a legal dispute with his former agent.

  • Manufacturer: Vox Industries
  • Class: Rocket Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet: Deadlocked (2005)

Glove of Doom (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of the Apocalypse Glove for purchase in Challenge Mode.

Agents of Doom[]

Small but deadly robots that are released from the Glove of Doom. Also a pretty good softball team.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Support Bots
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Glove of Doom (Card)[]

Launches DoomEggs, which spawn multiple Agents of Doom. It's like you're giving birth to doom, which sounds painful, but is actually pretty fun.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Agents of Doom Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


The nicest, smartest, most attractive group of people you could ever hope to meet in cyberspace.

  • Manufacturer: Earth
  • Class: Moderators
  • First Appearance: Insomniac Games Forums (2004)

Plasma Striker (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of the Plasma Slayer for purchase in Challenge Mode.

Flux Rifle[]

Galactic Ranger Cora Verolux designed and built this high-powered sniper rifle while simultaneously doing her math homework and eating breakfast. It was banana chocolate-chip pancakes, in case you were wondering.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Long-range Weapon
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (2004)

Plasma Striker (Card)[]

A long-range assassinator. Equipped with an experimental bioscope that identifies enemies' weak spots.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Sniper Crossbow
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (2009)

Fusion Rifle[]

Uses a patented form of hydrogen fusion combined with a state of the art magnetic optics scope for long-range accuracy. Gleeman Vox keeps this weapon handy at board meetings in case he gets interrupted.

  • Manufacturer: Vox Industries
  • Class: Sniper Rifle
  • First Appearance: Ratchet: Deadlocked (2005)

Mr. Zurkon (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of Zurkon Jr. for purchase in Challenge Mode.

Zurkon Jr. (Card)[]

A scrappy support synthenoid who fights alongside his father, Mr. Zurkon.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Synthenoid
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus (2013)

Mr. Zurkon (Card)[]

A loyal synthenoid who protects his master. Mr. Zurkon uses Gadgetron's new and improved "trash talk" function to taunt its enemies.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Synthenoid
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)

Zurkon Family[]

Mrs. Zurkon and son Zurkon Jr. fight alongside Mr. Zurkon. The family that slays together, stays together.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Synthenoid Family
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus (2013)

Sheepinator (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of the Goatinator for purchase in Challenge Mode.

Sheepinator (Card)[]

Turns enemies into sheep. Also allows for a few really baa-aaad puns.

  • Manufacturer: Megacorp
  • Class: Transmogrifier
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003)


Can be upgraded to the Chimpositron.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Transmogrifier
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (2009)


Originally developed to make snowmen for the holiday season, this cheery weapon will deck the halls with the battered bodies of those who seek to dispatch you.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Transmogrifier
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus (2013)

Buzz Blades (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of the Doom Blades for purchase in Challenge Mode.


Fires deadly diamond-edged trillium discs that are engineered to ricochet around the environment. Capabale of hitting enemies multiple times with one shot.

  • Manufacturer: Megacorp
  • Class: Disc Gun
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003)

Buzz Blades (Card)[]

Launches saw blades toward targets at 323.4 meters per second (if you live in the dark ages and don't use the metric system, that's 1061.02 feet per second). Buzz blades bounce off walls and can hit enemies multiple times.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Saw Blade Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)

Nether Blades[]

Originally developed by Vendra Prog while she was still in preschool, it was stolen and further developed by GrummelNet.

  • Manufacturer: Vendra Prog/GrummelNet
  • Class: Disc Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus (2013)

Predator Launcher (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of the Raptor Launcher for purchase in Challenge Mode.

Seeker Gun[]

Designed by three Gadgetron geniuses and one middle manager (he took notes and got the coffee), this projectile weapon was outlawed in three galaxies for being too awesome.

  • Manufacturer: Megacorp
  • Class: Projectile Weapon
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003)

Predator Launcher (Card)[]

This weapon uses laser-guided lasers to lock on to multiple targets for maximum destruction. Can be upgraded to fire sticky napalm missiles.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Missile Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)

Spitting Hydra[]

Very effective against groups of flying enemies.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Multi-targeting Shocker
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (2004)

Proton Drum (Set)[]

  • Completed Set Bonus: Unlocks the Omega Variant of the Protoclast for purchase in Challenge Mode.

Tesla Spikes[]

These trillium spikes harness Gadgetron's arc technology to shock any nearby targets. Multiple spikes will carry a chain of electricity.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Proximity Weapon
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (2009)

Proton Drum (Card)[]

A supermassive pseudo-atom that regularly emanates a wide disc of damaging subatomic energy.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Proximity Weapon
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2016)


This weapon creates powerful storm clouds that rain damage on enemies. See what we did there?

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: Weatherizer
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (2011)


  • Completed Set Bonus: The amount of damage dealt by the Omniwrench has increased by 100%.

Praetorian Omniwrench[]

Standard wrench used by the Lombax Praetorian Guard.

  • Manufacturer: Fastoon
  • Class: All-purpose Tool
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (2009)

Omniwrench 8000[]

A magnetized wrench that will attract nearby bolts. It can also be used to turn cranks and attack enemies.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: All-purpose Tool
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)

Omniwrench Millennium 12[]

Made of Teratannium, which is totally not a made-up word.

  • Manufacturer: GrummelNet
  • Class: All-purpose Tool
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Quest For Booty (2008)

RYNO (Set)[]

RYNO (Card)[]

This weapon was designed in a dark room in the basement of Gadgetron. The Galactic Council of Overpowered Weapons declared it ‘too dangerous for public use' and had the plans sealed in a box. Then locked inside a larger box and covered with duct tape. Then tossed in the ocean.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Rocket Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank (2002)


Does not upgrade, because it's too powerful already.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Rocket Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003)


The Zodiac fires a lightning charge that decimates all enemies in sight.

  • Manufacturer: Megacorp
  • Class: Lightning Blast
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (2003)

RYNO 2[]


Can be upgraded to the RYNOCIRATOR. Unfortunately, it does not use dinosaurs as ammunition.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Rocket Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (2004)


Vox Industries' answer to the RYNO. This weapon shoots out rockets that paint the ground with targets for an orbital ion cannon strike.

  • Manufacturer: Vox Industries
  • Class: Orbital Strike Rocket Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet: Deadlocked (2005)


This is a seriously dangerous weapon. Unauthorized use could land you in prison.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Laser Destroyer
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (2007)

RYNO 3[]


Use of this weapon may lead you to write sonnets about destruction. And once you start writing sonnets, there's no going back.

  • Manufacturer: Gadgetron
  • Class: Rocket Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (2009)

RYNO VI Protosuit[]

You can construct this protosuit by finding all of Dr. Croid's critters and completing his challenges.

  • Manufacturer: Dr. Frumpus Croid
  • Class: Suit of Death
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (2011)


Plays a song that sounds an awful lot like "Night on Bald Mountain."

  • Manufacturer: The Plumber
  • Class: Rocket Launcher
  • First Appearance: Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus (2013)


(Appears on the loading screen.)

  • Press PS4 Touchpad to bring up the map.
  • Complete the game to unlock Challenge Mode.
  • Quickly tapping Triangle will equip your previous weapon.
  • You may switch to Normal controls in the Options menu.
  • The more gold bolts you find, the more extras you unlock.
  • Visit the Extras menu to view galleries, cheats, and more.
  • You may change difficulty setting from the Options menu.
  • You may switch to Simplified controls in the Options menu.
  • Win the Silver and Gold hoverboard cups for greater bolt prizes.
  • Spin around while using the Pyrocitor to repel any nearby enemies.
  • Trading in duplicate cards can help you complete sets much faster.
  • Visit the Card Collection menu to see if you can trade in duplicates.
  • Visit a Gadgetron Vendor station to purchase new weapons using bolts.
  • Visit the Card Collection menu to see which new cards you have acquired.
  • Completing a set of 3 holocards can grant a stacking passive income bonus.
  • Use the Sheepinator against a sheep to create a dangerous paradoxsplosion.
  • Deploy Mr. Zurkon to take care of small enemies while you focus on the big ones.
  • Gadgetron Vendor stations allow you to purchase weapon upgrades using Raritanium.
  • Complete a set of 3 weapon holocards to purchase an Omega weapon in Challenge Mode.
  • By upgrading your Groovitron, you can increase the damage enemies take while dancing.
  • You can assign weapons to different locations in the weapon wheel in the Weapons menu.
  • You can cycle between levels of zoom while looking through the Plasma Striker scope using R3.
  • Tap a direction on the D-pad to quickly switch weapons and hold it to change the assigned weapon.
  • By upgrading your Glove of Doom, you can make Agents of Doom detect enemies from further away.
  • Deploy a Proton Drum and switch back to another weapon to hit tough enemies with multiple attacks at once.
  • Holding the fire button to acquire multiple locks with the Predator Launcher is faster than firing individual rockets.

Mission descriptions[]

There is no objective currently active.

Kyzil Plateau, Veldin (1)[]

Head to the fairgrounds[]

The Galactic Rangers are searching for new recruits. Head over to the tryouts!

Skorg City, Quartu (1)[]

Escape the factory[]

You just learned of Drek's evil plan. It's time to escape and tell someone!

Kyzil Plateau, Veldin (2)[]

Return to the garage[]

Clank is in need of repairs. You'll be able to fix him up back at the garage.

Torbruk Crater, Novalis[]

Find someone to help you repair your ship[]

You're missing a critical ship component. There may be mechanical parts in the waterworks area.

Defend the planet[]

The planet is under attack! A hero is needed to fend off the invaders.

OPTIONAL: Search the caves for hidden treasure[]

Search the caves for secrets!

Aleero City, Kerwan[]

Deliver the Infobot to the Galactic Rangers[]

The Blarg are planning to invade Aleero City! Warn the Galactic Rangers before it's too late.

Destroy the Blarg Armored Transports[]

Take out the Armored Transports to cut off Warbot reinforcements throughout the city.

Take down the Warship[]

Use your Magboost to pick up an army of robotic hitchhikers and hurl them at the Blarg Warship!

Find a route to the Hall of Heroes[]

Brax has requested that you meet him at the Hall of Heroes where your training to become a Galactic Ranger can begin.

Find a train to the Hall of Heroes[]

Clank's new helipack moves will help you catch a train and get to the Hall of Heroes.

Ride the train to the Hall of Heroes[]

The train that goes to the Hall of Heroes is occupied by Blarg Soldiers!

Complete fitness course[]

The Galactic Rangers have their own fitness course. See if you are up to the challenge.

Outpost X11, Aridia[]

Locate Skidd McMarx[]

The famous hoverboarder is stranded nearby. See if you can find him.

Help Skidd get to his ship[]

If you fight off those pesky Sandsharks, Skidd can limp back to his ship. In return you'll get one of his signature hoverboards.

Find Skidd's Agent[]

Skidd and his agent were separated. Search the outpost and find out if his agent is alive.

Locate the gadget inside the McMarx Sports Shack[]

According to the Mayor, the Blarg have developed some secret tech hidden in the construction area.

Blarg Research Station, Nebula G34[]

Find the top-secret Blarg research project[]

The Blarg are working on something top-secret, figure out what it is!

Defeat the Blargian Snagglebeast[]

There's one thing that stands between you and the secret intel: A Blargian Snagglebeast!

Journey outside the airlock[]

Clank is the perfect candidate to navigate through the vacuum of space. What's out there?

OPTIONAL: Search the Blarg Warship for weapons[]

The Blarg have been experimenting with rocket technology-- find their newest weapon!

Escape the Warship[]

Reach the escape shuttle before the warship self-destructs!

Blackwater City, Rilgar[]

OPTIONAL: Travel to the hoverboard event[]

Skidd's agent asked if you could take Skidd's place in the upcoming Hoverboarding competition.

OPTIONAL: Win the hoverboard race (Rilgar)[]

Compete in the Hoverboard race on Skidd's behalf! You'll need a hoverboard, of course.

OPTIONAL: Win the Silver Cup (Rilgar)[]

Come in first in the Hoverboard Silver Cup race.

OPTIONAL: Win the Gold Cup (Rilgar)[]

Come in first in the Hoverboard Gold Cup race.

Search the sewers[]

Who knows what technological marvels await in the city sewers.

Escape the sewers![]

You're trapped in the sewers and they are starting to flood. Get out!

OPTIONAL: Collect all RYNO holocards[]

Slim Cognito is looking to build a RYNO superweapon. Find all RYNO holocards and he'll make you one.

OPTIONAL: Bring all RYNO holocards to the dealer[]

Slim Cognito is looking to build a RYNO superweapon. Find all RYNO holocards and he'll make you one.

Blarg Research Outpost, Gaspar[]

Fight the Blarg[]

This Depot appears to be the staging grounds for a Blarg Army. Take them out and weaken Drek's forces!

Find the Jetpack[]

The Blargs have developed some new jetpack technology that could be useful for the Ranger's operation.

Trade 10 brains for a jetpack[]

A Blargian Scientist is collecting brains for research. Collect some specimens from the local wildlife and he'll give you a jetpack.

Trade 20 brains for an infobot[]

If you can find some more brains, the scientist may part with an infobot with details on Drek's operation.

OPTIONAL: Trade brains for bolts[]

A scientist can never have enough brains! He'll pay you for any brains you collect.

Fort Krontos, Batalia[]

Travel to the Fort[]

Drek's battleships are about to destroy the whole island! Head to the fort and help with the defense effort.

Get to the Turret[]

Just beyond the fort is a turret that can take down those battleships.

Destroy the battleships[]

The turret has powerful enough guns that can take down those battleships. Get in and shoot them down.

Ride the rail[]

The transportation rail is just begging for someone to grind on it.

Jowai Resort, Pokitaru[]

Meet up with Felton Razz[]

Find Grimroth's brother Felton and learn how to help him out.

Find the technician[]

Follow Felton to meet the technician who can upgrade your ship's rockets.

Destroy the hydroharvesters[]

Now that your ship has armor-piercing rounds, it's time to take down those hydroharvesters!

OPTIONAL: Clean up Amoeboids in Pumping Station[]

Clean up the Amoeboid infestation in the Pumping Station.

OPTIONAL: Find a way to the top of the waterfall[]

Search the resort for hidden treasure!

Skorg City, Quartu (2)[]

Meet up with the Galactic Rangers[]

(No description available.)

Infiltrate the factory[]

Your jetpack is out of fuel! Find another way to reach Chairman Drek's warbot factory.

Disable the security lasers[]

Reach the security room and disable the lasers blocking the factory entrance.

Investigate the factory[]

Break into the main office and see what you can learn about Drek's operation.

Deplanetizer (1)[]

Infiltrate the Deplanetizer[]

Meet Elaris and the Rangers at the Deplanetizer and stop Nefarious from destroying the Solana System!

Take down Victor Von Ion[]

Attack Victor Von Ion's personal death ship with everything you've got!

The Phoenix[]

Defeat Victor Von Ion[]

Drek's main henchman has boarded the Phoenix! It's time to stop him for good.

Deplanetizer (2)[]

Disable the Security System[]

You'll need to disable the elevator security systems to get to Drek and stop him from destroying Novalis.

Head to the Bridge[]

Now that you have access to the Bridge elevator you can stop Drek!

Gadgetron Headquarters, Kalebo III[]

Get to Gadgetron HQ[]

Drek hired some elite bounty hunters. Defeat them and get to Gadgetron.

Find the Focus Lab[]

You'll need to get to the lab where they are doing experimental hoverboard races.

Win the hoverboard race (Kalebo III)[]

Win the race and win the Hologram tech. It has technology that Elaris needs to create a holographic disguise.

OPTIONAL: Win the Silver Cup (Kalebo III)[]

Come in first in the Hoverboard Silver Cup race.

OPTIONAL: Win the Gold Cup (Kalebo III)[]

Come in first in the hoverboard gold cup race.

OPTIONAL: Ride the grindrail[]

Where might this rail lead? Only the fearless will find out.

Deplanetizer (3)[]

Locate the Gravity Stabilizer[]

You'll need to sneak past Drek's warbots and hack into a terminal to locate the Gravity Stabilizer.

Head to the Core[]

The Gravity Stabilizer is located at the bottom of the Core. Go there and shut it down.

Disable the Gravity Stabilizer[]

Travel down to the Gravity Stabilizer and disable it. Then the rangers can flip the Deplanetizer!

Stop Captain Qwark[]

Captain Qwark is standing between you and your mission. Make this traitor pay for his betrayal!

Defeat Dr. Nefarious[]

Dr. Nefarious has devised a way to fire the Deplanetizer. Stop him from blowing up Umbris!
