Ratchet & Clank: Issue 6: Bros Before Foes is the sixth and final installment of the Ratchet & Clank comic series. This issue acts as a prelude to the events of All 4 One. After being picked up by Sasha Phyronix, Ratchet and Clank work to return to the Apogee Space Station and restore the lost planets.
Sasha arrives on Veldin with low gelatonium fuel reserves, despite warnings from a Galactic Ranger. She locates Ratchet using a bioscan, informs the Polaris Defense Force, and descends with Cronk to pick up Ratchet and Clank. Ratchet, still mourning Talwyn Apogee, feels guilty about leaving the Polaris Galaxy, but Sasha reassures him that everyone understood his need for a break. Despite his grief, Ratchet resolves to return with the Surinox Shard and restore the planets.
At the Apogee Space Station, Captain Qwark, Zephyr, and several terachnoids attempt to determine the planets' coordinates. An escape pod containing Vorn and Artemis Zogg, holding Talwyn at gunpoint with a Plasma Coil, crashes nearby. Zogg demands the coordinates and, to escalate the situation, unleashes a horde of Zurkons purchased in bulk from GrummelNet Industries. Ratchet, equipped with his hoverboots and Praetorian OmniWrench, battles the Zurkons alongside Sasha and several Galactic Rangers, while Talwyn escapes Zogg’s grip. Zogg flees during the chaos.
As Sasha and the Rangers continue to hold off the Zurkons, Ratchet, Talwyn, and Vorn pursue Zogg through the aqueduct to a gallery teleporter. The trio nearly drowns but is rescued by the Plumber. Meanwhile, Clank remains on Qwark’s ship and prevents him from fleeing by tying him up with duct tape.
The group intercepts Zogg as he attempts to use the teleporter to board Qwark's ship. Zogg, furious at Qwark for running for president and damaging his reputation, aims his Plasma Coil at him. Qwark pleads for Zogg not to punish the universe for his mistakes. Vorn appeals to Zogg’s sense of duty, urging him to remember his legacy. Zogg briefly expresses regret but insists on continuing his mission to complete his galaxy and threatens to kill everyone.
Qwark recalls that negatively charging the Surinox Shard can open a portal between dimensions. Ratchet uses his Praetorian OmniWrench to strike the shard, creating a portal that pulls Zogg through while the others cling to safety until the portal closes.
Weeks later, in Meridian City, Qwark celebrates a slight rise in his approval ratings. Ratchet vows to return to Polaris and bids farewell to Sasha and her father, President Phyronix. Qwark suggests spending time with Ratchet and playing on the VG-9000 game system, but Ratchet encourages him to focus on tracking down Dr. Nefarious. The story concludes with Zogg landing in dimension A2-66, the same dimension where Percival Tachyon was exiled in Tools of Destruction. The two argue bitterly over dominion of the dimension.
Behind the Scenes[]
The title Bros Before Foes was one of the original proposed titles for Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One.