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Quantos is a planet featured in A Crack in Time. Located in the Phylax Sector of the Polaris Galaxy, the planet is a jungle world inhabited by the fongoids. A fongoid village in the Zolar Forest has many runes and statues revering the Zoni.

Ratchet and Captain Qwark first arrived on Quantos upon reaching the Breegus System. There, the two befriended the fongoids and learned more about the Zoni's role in the sector, before continuing their search for Clank.


Before A Crack in Time[]

The fongoid tribes of Quantos outlawed technology aside from the occasional supply ship[1] and a single teleporter which they meant to dismantle,[2] after they caused a rift in space and time by overusing time travel[3] and Orvus deemed they could not be trusted with technology.[4]

Five Bolts Wasted 4

Dr. Nefarious discovering the existence of the Great Clock from the fongoids on Quantos.

Quantos later became a tourist destination, and was voted "The Best Kept Secret" by the Polaris Board of Interstellar Travel, due to its unspoiled jungles, friendly natives, and freshwater fjords.[1] The Agorian Battleplex offered an all-expense-paid trip to Quantos for a fongoid safari as a prize to winners of their raffle.[5] Though technology remained outlawed, a handful of grummels were permitted to operate pursuant to Polaris Defense Initiative 1887-Upsilon.[1]

Zyphoids came to the planet from the Korthos Sector, but stopped appearing for several years.[6]

Zolar Forest was the rumored birthplace of fongoid hero Zahn Gribnak.[1] A temple was constructed in his honor.[6]

At some point over two years before the events of A Crack in Time, during a spirit walk on Quantos, Dr. Nefarious learned about the Great Clock and began to hatch his plans.[7]

A Crack in Time[]

Search Zolar Forest cutscene

Ratchet and Qwark encountering a time anomaly.

Time anomalies caused by damage to the Great Clock led to the return of zyphoids,[6] among other anomalies. The fongoid village guards also found a lost Zoni wandering around the waterfront, and placed it in their armory for safekeeping.[8]

Ratchet and Qwark crash-landed on Quantos after first arriving in the Breegus System, when Aphelion was damaged by a wave of aberrant temporal energy. A time anomaly prevented their death and allowed them to search Zolar Forest to look for a way off-world. Their first encounter with inhabitants was a fongoid mother named Enessa, who gave them the mission, "Locate the Missing Children", to look for her children trapped by the returning zyphoids.

Find the 3 Zoni Necessary to Repair Aphelion cutscene 2

Lord Vorselon confronting Ratchet.

After rescuing them, the fongoid chief, Alpheus, took Ratchet and Qwark to the village, proposing they rescue lost Zoni and use their bio-energy to repair the ship.[6] The chief granted Ratchet use of the Zoni Vessel that lay within their temple and advised him to search the Temple of Zahn, wherein Ratchet found a pair of Zoni after picking up the Vessel. Shortly after, Lord Vorselon attacked the village, mistaking Ratchet for Alister Azimuth, demanding his forces kill him and bring the villagers and Qwark in for questioning.[8] In "Defend the Fongoids from Lord Vorselon!", Ratchet fought off the forces but was unable to prevent most fongoids and Qwark from being captured. Alpheus took Ratchet and showed him how to use the Zoni to repair Aphelion, and Ratchet left to free the fongoids from Vorselon's warship.

After A Crack in Time[]

Some time before All 4 One, Ephemeris raided Quantos for its native creatures; namely its crabalruses, many of which were taken to planet Magnus to be used as host bodies for the loki.


Zolar Forest map

Map layout of Zolar Forest.

Quantos from space appears to be a heavily tropical world with vast oceans. Viewed from the Great Clock, a hurricane can be seen on the other side of the planet.

Zolar Forest is a heavily vegetated jungle with lush green plants and rivers with wooden rope bridges operated by bolt cranks. Within the forest are many stone structures on the outskirts of the village. Some seen in the distance resemble Mesoamerican pyramids but with Zoni heads constructed at their tip.

The fongoid village within the forest is gated and walled in. Within are various huts, some soil for small farmland, and an armory. A gold statue exists for Zahn Gribnak in front of a bridge leading up to the village's largest structure, the Temple of Zahn. The village is also said to host a miniature golf course.[9]

The Temple of Zahn contains similar design patterns to stone structures seen throughout the forest: long bricks resembling Zoni heads are seen throughout, and in the middle of the temple is a large statue of the Zoni leader, Orvus. Throughout the temple are booby traps in the form of rotating flamethrower turrets, and each of the rooms is gated, presumably as a means of keeping outsiders away from treasures within.

Aside from fongoids, the planet is also home to critters of the crabalrus species: the mud brown crabalrus, skittish ocean crabalrus, and regal crabalrus.

