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Pocket dimensions are a side activity in Rift Apart. Through most locations in the game, pocket dimensions can be found and opened using the Omniglove's Rift Tether ability. Most of these are optional gameplay activities featuring platforming challenges that lead to Armor Pods containing armor pieces, though a few are found on story missions. Once the Armor Pod contained within has been collected, the pocket dimension will be completed and shift color from purple to blue as a visual notification.

The Pocket Dimensions are a symptom of the Dimensionator's destruction and contain a number of dimensionally displaced objects and structures that were sucked in through various rifts. Some will also contain Goons-4-Less members that have gotten lost and Speetles for riding through obstacle paths. With the conclusion to the events of Rift Apart, the damage done to the dimensions was repaired and the pocket dimensions were expunged.

Entering just one pocket dimension unlocks the bronze trophy "More Than Lint".

Corson V[]

Bazaar Pocket (22-54-97)[]

Corson V Nefarious City Pocket Dimension 22-54-97 Rift Apart

Pocket Dimension 22-54-97 (Optional).

Across from the alleyway to Club Nefarious, look around to find a nearby rift. Inside are a number of dimensionally displaced structures and objects from both Megalopolis and Nefarious City. Notably a number of parade balloons from Megalopolis were sucked in here as well as some lost members of the Goons-4-Less with blasters who will attack Ratchet upon spotting him. The pocket dimension contains several parade floats that must be bounced between, with some floating platforms and islands that lead to the robot disguise mask armor pod. A Rift Tether path then leads back to the entrance. It is the first pocket dimension that can be encountered in Rift Apart.

Bouncing on these floats will unlock the trophy "BOING!".


Speetle Pocket (65-31-99)[]

Sargasso Pocket Dimension 65-31-99 Rift Apart

Pocket Dimension 65-31-99.

Pocket dimension 65-31-99 is a mandatory pocket dimension on the far southern end of Outpost L51. It is entered while Rivet is pursuing a speetle so she might ride it to reach the Gelatonium Factory and save the Morts from the goons. The pocket dimension mainly involves catching a speetle to ride back out of the rift entrance to Sargasso again and through a path to the Gelatonium Factory.

On a small island of the pocket dimension, just slightly to the right from where the speetle's path starts, an armor pod containing the ranger space helmet is found.

Cave Pocket (729-2210-01)[]

Sargasso Pocket Dimension 729-2210-01 Rift Apart

Pocket Dimension 729-2210-01 (Optional).

This is an optional pocket dimension. Located just inside the cave entrance to Rivet's hideout, the rift is straight ahead and down the path. It involves a course through floating platforms and islands with an abundance of explosive crates. For the first few of these, throwing Rivet's hammer is best to clear them out, though partway through, paths between some islands are comprised solely of explosive crates. The crates will not explode on impact and will detonate after four seconds when triggered. As such, it is important to run quickly after touching them to reach the end where the armor pod containing the robot disguise boots is found.

The hoverboots and Phantom Dash will instantly explode the crates if touched when using them, so it is recomended to navigate this area using mainly basic jumps. Jumping and Phantom Dashing however is still quite useful for clearing gaps, so long as the explosive crates are not touched. The area also contains a single Goon Rusher, however he does not attack and only taunts as he is surrounded by explosive crates. Detonating the crates around him will easily defeat him.

Marsh Pocket (731-71-86)[]

Sargasso Pocket Dimension 731-71-86 Rift Apart

Pocket Dimension 731-71-86 (Optional).

This is an optional pocket dimension located on the far southwest end of the map. In the valley where the Troopers are battling a Grunthor, look to your right to locate the rift hidden along the rock wall. The dimension is filled with crates forming a path. A single Goons-4-Less soldier is found here and should be defeated with a weapon that has as little area-of-effect as possible such as the Headhunter or Burst Pistol so as to not destroy the crates in the area needed to walk on. The area also has a number of explosive crates and care must be taken to choose which ones to detonate. Be careful making your jumps as crates can not be ledge grabbed onto.

The key is to use well-aimed shots from the Burst Pistol to carve out a traversible path for Rivet to jump between. You need to break just enough crates to walk on safely, but not too many that the path is entirely destroyed. hoverboots and Phantom Dashes are not recommended here as they will instantly break any crate touched while using them. At the end of the path an armor pod containing the robot disguise chest is found and a Rift Tether leading back to the entrance.

Unknown Pocket[]

Sargasso Pocket Dimension Rivet Kit Rift Apart

Rivet and Kit in the unknown Pocket Dimension.

After Rivet and Kit successfully thwart Emperor Nefarious' attempt to destroy Sargasso, he ambushes them and sends them both into a pocket dimension with the new Dimensionator. Rivet is not worried however, as she knows to use her Rift Tether to exit them again. She needs to find a crack in the dimensions first however to pull open and begins looking for one. Whilst doing so, she explains to Kit her history with the Emperor and how she lost her arm. She soon finds an exit and the two return to Sargasso while the Emperor believes Rivet is still trapped.

This pocket dimension is not playable and only briefly seen in a cutscene. As such, it does not contain any collectibles and can not be accessed in gameplay.


Parking Pocket (78-89-50)[]

Zurkie's Pocket Dimension 78-89-50 Rift Apart

Pocket Dimension 78-89-50 (Optional).

This is an optional pocket dimension located at the refueling depot of Zurkie's before entering the gastropub. From your ship, explore the landing pads to your right in order to locate the rift. The pocket dimension mostly involves traversal across several floating islands with platforms between them. The malfuntioning platforms will shift sideways every four seconds with an audio cue just before it happens. With good timing and platforming, the course can be traversed quickly. When the platforms turn on their side, it is also possible to stand on the narrow, upturned edges. At the end, an armor pod containing the Q-Force cowl is obtained, and a Rift Tether leads back to the entrance.


Forest Pocket (4-11-81)[]

Savali Pocket Dimension 4-11-81 Rift Apart

Pocket Dimension 4-11-81 (Optional).

This is an optional pocket dimension located around the southeast region of the map, marked by two statues. Explore the area outside of the Forest Temple and find the rift hidden along a rock wall. It mostly involves a series of wall runs between floating islands on a linear path. It is recommended to make good use of both the double jump and Phantom Dash to make the gaps between the many wall running pannels. Halfway through, Ratchet will need to use a Swingshot target to reach the next path of panels and continue towards the end. At the end of the path is an armor pod containing the praetorian greaves. A path of lower floating islands can then be used to return to the start again and exit.

Moody Pocket (43-63-08)[]

Savali Pocket Dimension 43-63-08 Rift Apart

Pocket Dimension 43-63-08 (Optional).

An optional pocket dimension located in the far southeast tip of the map, just by a small plateau next to the cliff edge. Search in the valley with roaming Plains Beasts near a second landing pad. Much like the other pocket dimension on Savali, it involves the use of several wall running panels and jumping between floating islands, though several explosive crates appear along the way and should be avoided. It is similar to the challenge of pocket dimension 4-11-81 but with an increased difficulty. The explosive crates lining some panels need to be avoided by quickly jumping to another panel again making good use of the double jump and Phantom Dash to maintain altitude and not fall. It should be noted that Phantom Dashing through explosive crates will not harm Ratchet or halt momentum. At the end of the path of panels is a ring of explosive crates that must be Phantom Dashed through. Immediately ahead, the Rift Tether must be used to pull Ratchet towards a rift to reach the end where an armor pod containing the hero's mask is found. Another rift can then be tethered to and used to reach the start again and exit.

Blizar Prime[]

Hot Pocket (87-84-20)[]

An optional pocket dimension located in the intact Blizar Prime, north of the Mining Hub. From the Mining Hub, head outside towards the Wasp Caverns. Once outside of the Hub, look for the rift on the left side of the rocky path. It is found along the path of the mission "Find the Missing Chef".

Here, invisible platforms with crates and robomutts on them mark the path forward. The platforms are made briefly visible by hitting the switches on the floating islands on the way. Outside of this, while it is possible to throw Rivet's hammer on the ground to work out where the solid surfaces are, another viable option is to simply aim to jump and Phantom Dash towards the crates and use them as the surface. At the end, the Ranger tactical vest is acquired and the platforms become permanently visible to return to the entrance and exit.


Soggy Pocket (08-08-08)[]

In Kedaro Station, Cordelion, this optional pocket dimension is located in the ruined dimension, southwest on the map. After touring the facility and fighting off the Troopers, hit the Blizon to swap to the destroyed dimension. Turn around and look for the rift in the watery area surrounded by rafts. The path comprises several floating emergency rafts between islands, which expand after being hit with the wrench or any ranged weapon such as the Burst Pistol. Use your weapons to expand the rafts and bounce between them to reach the hero's suit at the end. Be quick however. as the rafts will retract again after some seconds.

Torren IV[]

Dry Pocket (66-66-67)[]

On Torren IV, an optional pocket dimension is located at Molonoth Gulch's Mech Graveyard area just northeast of Little Junktown and reached with the Hurlshot. As you approach a stepped ridge with Toxic Crabs, look to your right. In a nearby alcove you can locate the rift. A speetle nest is found inside. After taking the speetle ride up to an island with a hut, the praetorian helm is obtained. Pocket Dimension 66-66-67 (Optional).


Sandy Pocket (21-66-72)[]

The optional pocket dimension in the Pirate Base, Ardolis is found on a beach at the end of the Pirate Caves and outside the Barracks. Just before Plunder Marketplace, take a left and drop down to the beach below. Survive the Crabs and Puffoids, then open the rift along the wall.

The pocket dimension comprises a path of several Hurlshot versa-targets between floating, explosive crates, and wrecked pirate ships. Simply time use of the Hurlshots right between each point to obtain the hero's leggings at the end. Pocket Dimension 21-66-72 (Optional).


Prison Pocket (32-34-99)[]

This optional pocket dimension at Zordoom Prison is found very close to Rivet's return visit landing pad. Located just outside the V.I.P. Section in the room across from Ms. Zurkon, you'll spot the rift near a collection of crates. The pocket dimension involves a host of traversal techniques—wall runs, speetles, and Rift Tethers—to reach the goal. After using the speetle to leap over a ramp, immediately exit and Phantom Dash forward to wall run between points. Eventually, the path leads to a praetorian plate.
