Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Pincer Rays are robotic manta ray enemies featured in Deadlocked. They are constructed by Vox Industries for the purpose of hovership challenges in DreadZone, and are only featured in "Night Flight" on Kronos and both "Space Ace" and "Time Extension!" on the Valix Belt. Although robotic, they act like animals by using their tails and pectoral fins to move through space. Up close they also make distinctive animalistic sounds.

Pincer Ray concept art

Concept art.

Pincer Rays travel in swarms of up to ten individuals and generally stick around a small area, until an available target approaches close enough. When this occurs, they will spread out and form a vertical laser grid, with each Ray being able to support at least up to six connecting lasers between other Rays. After properly positioning and forming the grid, they will attempt to ram through their target, in the hope that it will not pass through in between the grid, dodge out of the way, or shoot them down beforehand.

Although the hovership can easily evade them, the swarm missile launcher will equally easily shoot them down very quickly thanks to its multi-targeting capabilities and the low health capacity of the Rays.
