The parrot is a character in Tools of Destruction, Quest for Booty, and Into the Nexus. He is an animal companion of the Smuggler who traveled with him on his various exploits around the Polaris Galaxy. The parrot speaks few words, but is apparently capable of voicing independent thoughts, and often appeals to the Smuggler's worst instincts.
Before Tools of Destruction[]
Parrot originally belonged to Captain Slag. The Smuggler won him in a game of Blargian Roulette, in which Slag wagered the parrot while the Smuggler waged his good eye.[1]
Tools of Destruction[]
During a smuggle run, the parrot was supposed to check the ship's gelatonium gauge, but failed to do so, causing them to need fuel. After reaching Cobalia spaceport to refuel, they found the gel plant shut down due to Ratchet and Clank's arrival. In "Explore the Spaceport", Ratchet and Clank ran into parrot in the middle of arguing with the Smuggler. The parrot first thought they were imperial spies and wanted to kill them, but after they revealed they were stranded, again recommended to simply kill them and sell their kidneys.[2]
The Smuggler agreed to take Ratchet and Clank off world in exchange for them reactivating the gel plant, causing them to travel to Stratus City, Kortog. The parrot praised the lombaxes as saviors of the universe while the Smuggler explained Polaris' history to them, but recommended ditching them as soon as their ship was attacked after a bioscan revealed Ratchet on board, something the Smuggler agreed to.[3]

The Parrot along with the Smuggler on Sargasso.
The parrot was seen with the Smuggler whenever Ratchet and Clank interacted with him thereafter. After running into them again at the Nundac Asteroid Ring during "Get to the Space Station", the parrot jeered Ratchet for chasing leviathan souls, saying he had a death wish.[4] In "Explore Sargasso", on Outpost L51, Sargasso, the parrot called Ratchet a "wiseguy" in response to him guessing that the Smuggler wanted more souls,[5] something that infuriated Clank to the point of wanting to choke the parrot.[6]
Quest for Booty[]
Ratchet met the Smuggler and the parrot later on Hoolefar Island, Merdegraw. This time, the parrot ratted the Smuggler out when talking to Ratchet, calling the Smuggler out as a criminal[7] and revealing he had stolen a VersaBolt with a crowbar.[8] He also helped the Smuggler's schemes, demanding bolts from Ratchet to learn more information,[9] and encouraging the Smuggler not to reveal their names ot Ratchet.[8]
Into the Nexus[]
The Smuggler and the parrot met Ratchet and Clank on planet Thram, where Ratchet and Clank collected gargathon horns for him. Afterward, the Smuggler and the parrot had a disagreement about the division of profits, and the parrot then went missing. In "Find the Smuggler's parrot", Ratchet found the parrot stuck under gargathon fossils.[10] The parrot then returned to the Smuggler, and demanded a fifty-fifty split plus benefits. The Smuggler attempted to negotiate to seventy-thirty or sixty-forty, but the parrot remained steadfast and ominously told the Smuggler he knew where he slept.[11]
The parrot appears as quite stumpy, with a large head and bulbous eyes, but with a small proportional body and short wings. Despite it's disproportionate wings, the parrot is fully capable of flight. Its feathers are red and yellow with a white patch on the chest.
The parrot speaks short sentences when chiming in. In contrast to the Smuggler, who is a lot more careful with his words and often disingenuous, the parrot speaks its mind bluntly, often revealing the true intent behind the Smuggler's actions.[8] The parrot also seems to appeal to the Smuggler's worst instincts. It urged the Smuggler to kill Ratchet on sight, something he did not follow through on,[2] and then to jettison him above Stratus City, something he did.[3]
The parrot also seems to share the Smuggler's selfishness and lack of morality. While he praised the lombaxes as saviors of the universe, he was quick to advocate betraying Ratchet.[3] He also gleefully spoke about the Smuggler's crimes[8] and demanded money from Ratchet when he saw an opportunity.[9] This nature led the parrot to demand a fifty-fifty share of the Smuggler's profits, and even threaten the Smuggler.[11]
Behind the scenes[]
The Smuggler and parrot both share the same english voice actor, Jess Harnell.
The parrot is present with the Smuggler in most of his appearances, except in A Crack in Time, where he is notably absent for unknown reasons. The Smuggler also appears briefly in Before the Nexus, where he speaks to Ratchet through a communicator, but the parrot is not seen.
- ↑ Tools of Destruction script § "Make a Trade with the Smuggler (gameplay)"
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Tools of Destruction script § "Explore the Spaceport (gameplay)"
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Tools of Destruction script § "Hitch a Ride with the Smuggler (gameplay continued)"
- ↑ Tools of Destruction script § "Get to the Space Station (gameplay)"
- ↑ Tools of Destruction script § "Explore Sargasso (gameplay)"
- ↑ Tools of Destruction script § "Trade Souls for the Decryptor (gameplay)"
- ↑ Quest for Booty script § "Repair the Wind Turbines (gameplay)"
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Quest for Booty script § "Find the Guy with the Beacon Part (gameplay)"
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Quest for Booty script § "Find a Translator (gameplay)"
- ↑ Into the Nexus script § "Find the Smuggler's parrot (gameplay)"
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Into the Nexus script § "Find the Smuggler's parrot (gameplay)"