Netherbrutes were massive flying Nethers that served Mr. Eye.
There were two types of this Nether: The first was an unnamed lesser version of the netherbrute who appeared as common enemies on Silox and Igliak, they had higher health and did more damage than the netherbeast and also possessed dual blasters instead of one.
The second, directly referred to as netherbrutes, were larger and far more powerful, several of these brutes invaded Meridian City on planet Igliak under the directives of Mr. Eye in order to destroy the Dimensionator, allowing them to wreak havoc beyond the Netherverse. Ratchet and Clank were able to defeated them during the attack, allowing Ratchet to fight Mr. Eye, Clank to save Vendra Prog, and Pollyx, Neftin Prog and Qwark to repair the Dimensionator.