Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Netherbeasts[1] were the primary type of Nether encountered as an enemy. Netherbeasts attacked by rapidly firing their arm cannons and, if attacked, they would quickly use teleportation to move from their position into a better one. As Ratchet encountered them the protective gear they wore increased, making them less susceptible to damage.

Elite versions of standard netherbeasts also appeared. Like standard netherbeasts, they would warp across the battlefield, shoot lasers from their arm-gun at foes from a distance or slash foes with their blades when they were near. However, elite netherbeasts would also throw a boomerang/Wrench at foes, in a manner similar to a comet-strike move Ratchet uses with his omniwrench. In addition to their new abilities, elite netherbeasts also had stronger armor than the standard version. Elite netherbeasts could be spawned from warp points, and both Mr. Eye and the boss variant of the netherbrutes are capable or deploying these devices.

In their natural form the netherbeast was a limbless ghostly creature. Netherbeasts in their natural form would appear flying around in nether controlled areas, although they would not attack, they did however appear as enemies in the Netherverse where they could damage Clank by biting him.


