Ratchet & Clank Wiki

The Nefarious Starship[1] is the largest class of warship in the Nefarious Army led by Emperor Nefarious. They are the main carriers for the Nefarious Troopers and other war machines in service to the Nefarious Empire. The ships are capable of transporting hundreds to thousands of troopers.

The capital ship of this type is the Emperor's Flagship that he commands his armies from.

They are featured in Rift Apart during the Emperor's invasions of Sargasso, Savali and Megalopolis. One also arrives on Viceron to transfer high priority prisoners from Zordoom at the prison's emergency evacuation platforms.


Rift Apart[]

Sargasso Invasion Rift Apart

Rivet and Kit arrive on Sargasso in the middle of the Emperor's invasion.

During the Emperor's attack on planet Sargasso, a single Nefarious Starship served as the invasion force's Mothership. The invading troopers were ordered by the Emperor to begin exterminating all life on the planet in a ploy to draw in Rivet so he may finally be rid of her. Rivet and Kit were able to free the repaired Seekerpede from a dimensional anomaly and allowed the Morts to pilot it in fending off the Emperor's forces. After destroying a Nefarious Battle Cruiser, the Emperor ordered the remaining ships to activate their destruct-o beams to destroy the planet. Rivet then rode on Trudi's back and used her fireball attack to destroy another Cruiser's power generator before the remaining ships were instructed to raise their energy shields. A Mort contacted Rivet and informed her that they had made bombs out of the Gelatonium waste from their factories and they can be used to break through the ship's shields. The Morts piloting the Seekerpede attack the Mothership as a distraction so Rivet can complete her goal of stopping the Cruisers. As the Cruiser's numbers start to whittle, the Mothership releases a swarm of homing, aerial mines over the area's skies to stop Trudi. The Seekerpede however is eventually shot down by the Emperor's forces and the final cruiser is ordered to concentrate all it's power on destroying the planet. Trudi tosses a bomb at the last Battle Cruiser, causing it to start exploding and flying out of control into the side of the Mothership. The Cruiser collision then causes a chain reaction of explosions and the Mothership crashes to the planet below.

Savali Rivet Kit Nefarious Starship Flagship Rift Apart

Rivet and Kit approach the Emperor's Flagship.

When the Emperor traveled to Savali to steal the Dimensional Map from the Interdimensional Archives, he arrived with his Flagship and thousands of Troopers onboard. After Ratchet and Clank found the Map was missing from the Archives, Rivet and Kit infiltrated the Flagship to retrieve it. Using her knowledge on the structural norms of the Emperor's ships, Kit deduced they should find high-value assets on the upper level. Inside they find that the Emperor has used the power of the Dimensionator in conjunction with his ship's technology to open multiple rifts for his troopers ready for deployment to enter and instantly appear on the planet's surface below. After making their way to the upper decks, they reach the Emperor's command bridge. Instead of the Emperor however, they find Gary being held prisoner. Upon freeing him, he explains that he and the Savali Monks hid the Map inside of a dimensional anomaly to keep it out of the Emperor's hands. Rivet and Kit pass this information onto Ratchet and Clank and Gary instructs them to head for the planet's catacombs to reach the anomaly. Rivet and Kit then help Gary escape the Flagship, but have some difficulty finding the way out. The three end up in the lower engine room with Kit noting the layout of the ship is odd. They eventually escape and get Gary to safety before Rivet and Kit pursue after Ratchet and Clank into the catacombs.

Rivet Clank Zordoom Emergency Platforms Rift Apart

A Nefarious Starship appears from a rift to airlift Ratchet and Kit's cell onboard and off of the planet.

During Rivet's jail break at Zordoom Prison, Ratchet and Kit's priority prisoner cell is transported to the emergency evauation platforms and is prepped for emergency transfer. A Nefarious Starship then emerges from a large rift nearby and positions itself above the platforms to airlift the prisoner cell off of the planet. Clank implores to Rivet that it is imperative they stop their cell from being airlifted to the ship as they will have no way to track them anymore and may lose Ratchet and Kit entirely. Rivet fights her way through waves of Nefarious Troopers and destroys the Royal Guard Escorts. Using a hammercrank, Rivet reverses the direction of the cell's transfer and brings it back to the platform, where it crashes open and Ratchet and Kit are finally freed.

Corson V Nefarious City Megalopolis Ships Rift Apart

The Emperor's fleet of Starships advance into Ratchet and Clank's dimension.

With the Emperor in possession of both the Dimensionator and Dimensional Map, and believing he had finally rid himself of all his enemies, he made a public broadcast to the denizens of Rivet's universe announcing his intention to invade and subjugate all dimensions in existence. He makes this announcement from the deck of one of his Starships and reveals he has a fleet of them assembled in orbit of Corson V prepared for the cross-dimensional invasion of Megalopolis, which he intends to redub New Nefarious City. The Emperor then creates an enormous rift in front of Corson V leading straight to it's counterpart in Ratchet and Clank's dimension and laughs as his armies advance into it. During the planet's invasion, a Starship is positioned over the city which is presumed to be the Emperor's Flagship.


