Ratchet & Clank Wiki
Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Mutant fireflies,[1] also known as mutant swamp flies,[2] are enemies in Going Commando. They are small, yellow, glowing mutant fireflies native to Oozla, found in the Megacorp Outlet area, that are a cross between a firefly and a beetle.[1] Ratchet encountered them during "Find the store entrance", "Investigate the Megacorp store" (in which they had infested the outlet itself), and "Explore the swamp ruins".

Mutant sandflies are a faster, stronger, and more durable variant of the mutant firefly native to Tabora.[1] Ratchet and Clank encountered them in the mining area there during the missions "Find a way out of the underground tunnels", "Explore the area", and "Return crystals to mystic". They can also be spawned from spawners, as seen in the Taboran desert.

Mutant fireflies cameo briefly in Up Your Arsenal as pieces in chess. The blargian snagglebeast has an allergic reaction to them which lasts two turns.[2]


Mutant fireflies are found in groups, often alongside the mutant muckdweller and mutant swamp beasts, and will circle an area before being approached. Once struck down, their yellow glow will end as they fall. Mutant fireflies pose little threat, as they are slow, and can be defeated easily with a hit from any weapon.

Mutant sandflies are similar and attack by moving towards a target and attempting to bite them with their pincers at very close range, slowing down slightly before they do so. The sandflies are easily eliminated with the Synthenoids due to their accuracy. Although the Miniturret Glove is capable, the miniturrets can fall short due to the sandflies movement speed and tendency to fly in circular motions.

Nonetheless, both are useful while Ratchet focuses on larger enemies such as the spitting dune crawler or desert dune monster. While the OmniWrench 8000 is ineffective against them, the OmniWrench 10000 can kill them in one hit. Lastly, using the Lava Gun is also viable, as you can simply fire and quickly spin in a circle.

Behind the scenes[]

Mutant firefly concept art

Concept art

While the mutant firefly and mutant sandfly are identical in-game, the Monsterpedia gives the sandfly a unique silver coloration.

