Ratchet & Clank Wiki
Mustachio Furioso skin from TOD

Ratchet's Mustachio Furioso disguise

Mustachio Furioso[a] is a character mentioned in Deadlocked, later used as the name of Ratchet's diguise in Tools of Destruction. It also appears as a skin in Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time. After being a candidate in DreadZone, Captain Qwark spontaneously gave the name to Ratchet when he fought in the Imperial Fight Festival.[b]


Mustachio Furioso was the name of a candidate on DreadZone briefly mentioned by Dallas Wanamaker as a candidate who Ratchet had surpassed, alongside "Illustrious Lana" and "Mailbag".[2] Furioso was an apparent low-ranking Marauder, and did not appear on the DreadZone leaderboards.

Find Qwark cutscene 1

Mustachio Furioso in Tools of Destruction.

In Tools of Destruction, to enter the Imperial Fight Festival on Mukow, Captain Qwark reconfigured the arena's teleporter to auto-equip Ratchet with a disguise that used nano-molecular facial reconfiguration,[3] giving him a large nose, moustache, and glasses. When Ratchet entered the arena, Qwark spontaneously named him Mustachio Furioso,[b] and then gave him a backstory of a man from the "Flurbian Galaxy-verse" who enjoyed hoverball, stamp collecting, walking on the beach with "small robotic know-it-alls" (referring to Clank), and who aspired to be like Captain Qwark.[4]

Despite the disguise only covering his face, Qwark made clear to point out that Mustachio was not a lombax.[5] The disguise was very effective: although the drophyds had the entire arena looking for Ratchet and had identified him with holo-scan,[3] they were entirely unaware that Mustachio was Ratchet while fighting in the Imperial Fight Festival.[c]


Mustachio Furioso skin from ACIT

The disguise in A Crack in Time.

In Tools of Destruction, Mustachio Furioso is an skin that can be purchased for 2 gold bolts. It later appears in A Crack in Time for 9 gold bolts. The skin does not remove the helmet, however, meaning helmet armors that cover Ratchet's face such as the Trillium armor do not reveal the disguise.[c]

The Mustachio Furioso skin later appears in PlayStation Move Heroes.



  1. "Mustacchio" in Italian means "big mustache".
  2. 2.0 2.1 Though Qwark's disguise "Mustachio Furioso" shares the name with the DreadZone contestant, it is unknown if Qwark would have been aware of the DreadZone contestant, as he was never entered into the show and was unaware of its existence.[1]
  3. 3.0 3.1 The fact that Ratchet went entirely undetected while using such a simple disguise, and remains undetected regardless of the armor he is wearing, suggests that the nanomolecular facial reconfiguration used in the disguise[3] also hid his bioscan readings, making the disguise much more impressive than it appears.

