Ratchet & Clank Wiki

The Magma Cannon is a shotgun weapon in Deadlocked. The pride of the Vox Industries personal protection line, it fires a conical-blast of magma.[1] The weapon is automatically granted upon reaching the Advanced Qualifier from any DreadZone vendor, and can be upgraded to the Vulcan Cannon with use, which causes its rays to automatically home in on enemies. When in challenge mode, it can be upgraded to the Mega Vulcan Cannon for 1,750,000 bolts.

The Magma Cannon is a short, yellow weapon with a bulky, wide barrel but a small nozzle and a left-hand grip. It fires a blast of magma energy over a wide radius. The Vulcan Cannon has a much longer barrel with a wider nozzle, and fires seeking lasers instead.


Magma Cannon gameplay

The Magma Cannon in action.

Early on, the Magma Cannon is an immensely useful weapon, with solid damage, a decent ammo capacity and fire rate, and an acceptable range and spread. This allows it to properly apply the Acid Mod to any enemies up front. It is useful on Catacrom Four's challenges against generally all enemies, including the sturdy robot zombies thanks to its knockback strength. As with the other early-game weapons it becomes outclassed over time, as its damage output simply does not keep up compared to other weapons. It can still be useful for mass applying omega mods' effects however.

The Magma Cannon benefits from a few of the common alpha mods and upgrading the weapon grants a fair balance of Speed, Ammo, and Impact Mods. Once upgraded to the Vulcan Cannon, its automatically homing energy rays are even more effective in applying any mods' effects onto enemies in front of you en masse. Due to the lack of damage compared to other weapons, it is generally more effective to use the weapon for crowd control, such as by using a few Impact Mods to keep enemies down, and the Freeze Mod to slow and freeze as many as possible.

