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Infiltrate Vorselon's Ship and Locate the Detention Wing are missions in A Crack in Time, taking place in Vorselon's warship within the Phylax Sector. Ratchet had to infiltrate the ship and locate the detention wing to free the captive Captain Qwark and fongoids.


Wait for the first thruster engine to pause and then run past it. For the second, use the kinetic tether (R2 + Square) to lower the bridge before running past. For the third, both lower the bridge and pull the versa-fuse on the engine to disable it entirely. Use the grav-ramp at the end and pull another versa-fuse to enter the ship proper, starting "Locate the Detention Wing".

At the vendor, purchase the Mr. Zurkon, an autonomous robot with a high rate of fire, but low damage. It is effective as support against large swarms of weak enemies, and at supplementing damage to larger targets. If you have a Tools of Destruction savefile, the weapon will cost 3,000 bolts; otherwise, it will cost 6,000.

Take care of the incoming Microdrones, then pass the laser field and use a bolt crank to create an opening at the end. Defeat the Splitterbot 'engineer' when it arrives with the elevator, then use it to descend deeper into the ship. Follow the linear path with few enemies and simple laser obstacles. Use the kinetic tether when required, until you enter a larger room.

Here, you will be attacked by a large swarm of Microdrones. Use Mr. Zurkon as support and the Sonic Eruptor and Constructo Bomb to destroy as many as possible before they merge into more advanced robots. Destroy nearby crates for ammunition and nanotech. Afterward, jump into the pit and use a bolt crank after dealing with the Splitterbot personnel. Using the crank will summon a pair of Protoguards and another Microdrone swarm.

Once cleared, use the moving bridges to cross the gap and handle the Microdrones and Protoguards on the other side of the room. A pair of Splitterbots will appear through a doorway, allowing you to enter the Central Hub of the ship. Here, you will find a schematic for the RYNO V Holo-plan, and encounter an Arc Striker. These enemies are sturdier and fire waves of electricity across the ground.

Keep moving through the ship, pulling out versa-fuses to open doors and disable laser grids. Deal with enemies until you reach another large chamber. Blow up the plasma containers to defeat the local Nefarious Troopers and reinforcements. Use the bolt crank in the center to rotate the bridge. More Splitterbots and Protoguards will appear, including a Protomantis, which is difficult due to the narrow bridge. Use the panels next to it for cover and return fire when able to do so safely.

After defeating it, use the grav-ramp to move onto the ceiling and into another room. Destroy several modules to continue, avoiding lasers and upside-down Protoguards. Enter a third grav-ramp tunnel filled with laser grids. Make your way through them, then use the elevator to reach the detention wing. Pull the versa-fuse to free Qwark and the rest, continuing directly into the next mission, "Help the Prisoners Escape!".
