Investigate the artifact is the third mission of Size Matters. Following the coordinates on a technomite artifact, Ratchet and Clank traveled to Ryllus, as it was their only lead to find Luna. Captain Qwark followed the duo, much to their annoyance, and in exchange for using their ship's computer to research his family history, offered them directions. However, his only directions were to follow "that big building", leading them to investigate the temple.
Obtaining the Sprout-O-Matic gadget will unlock the bronze trophy It's a Grower.
At the Gadgetron vendor, the Concussion Gun is available, if you can afford it; if not, the bolts will be available for it later in the mission. This weapon is decently useful against the enemies fought here, providing a relatively weak blast over a wider range than your other weapons. The Agents of Doom are also available for purchase, but will not be affordable at all.
Proceed down the stone steps to a somewhat small area, where some Pygmy tribesmen are encountered. These are small enemies that fight in groups with melee attacks, and can be defeated with either the Lacerator, Concussion Gun, or Acid Bomb Glove. Following the path to the next area will reveal a razorback, a more durable enemy with slow but powerful attacks. This enemy is best defeated with the Concussion Gun or Lacerator. Along the way, a short cutscene triggers, following which, more razorbacks and a bury blossom are encountered, which are sturdy plants that spit at you. Upon approaching the barricade-like structure near the red flower, defeat the razorbacks and then activate the bolt crank to unlock the gate. On the other side, there will be a group of Pygmy tribesmen that must be defeated.
Up ahead is Professor Sprout, who must be approached to trigger a short cutscene in which he presents the Sprout-O-Matic. Once obtained, use the Sprout-O-Matic on the mimic plant to have it follow you around, then use it on the patch of soil nearby. The mimic plant will leap into the soil and grow into a larger plant. These plants come in different varieties, but this specific one will allow Ratchet to destroy the wall blocking the path. Make sure the view is facing towards the wall ahead and simply whack the plant's fruit with the OmniWrench to have it fly into the wall and blow a hole in it.
Leap through the hole and take out the two red bury blossoms in this area. Following this, lure a second mimic plant into the soil where those two red blossoms were and plant it, forming a ladder for you to climb. After ascending to the upper area, a horde of enemies must be cleared out before making further use of another mimic plant. Once done, lure the mimic plant into the soil patch at the far end of the area. It will transform into a plant that will toss you into the next area upon hitting it with your wrench.
Once there, the Hypershot must be used to swing across the gap. Defeat the tribesmen and blossoms here, and two mimic plants are located, one on the far left, and one on the far right. Lure the plant on the left side into the middle to transform it into the explosive fruit plant, in order to create another hole in the wall. The other plant can then be lured into the soil, and thus, toss Ratchet through the hole into the temple area, landing in front of the Wildfire helmet. Up ahead is a door, which Ratchet cannot open, but Clank can squeeze through a smaller opening in the wall. This will lead to the next mission, "Unlock the temple".