Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Investigate the Dimensional Anomaly is a mission in Rift Apart, taking place in Outpost L51, Sargasso. While taking Clank back to her hideout, Rivet was contacted by the morts, who needed her help at the gelatonium factory. She found that many of them were stuck in a are under threat, and takes a detour to help them. Rivet herself, however, was not able to enter, requiring Clank to investigate the anomaly, where he met Gary.

The mission can be complete at any time once unlocked during "Take Clank to Rivet's Hideout". However, after defeating the Seekerpede, it is mandatory to complete before proceeding.

Completing this mission will unlock the bronze trophy Quantum Mechanic.


First Meta-Terminal[]

Upon interacting with the dimensional anomaly by the gelatonium factory, Clank is controlled inside, and has a limited moveset similar to Ratchet and Rivet, with his gameplay being focused around manipulating his possibilities to reach a goal. When the mission starts, grab the Lift Sphere in the top-right and throw it at the pad on the floor, then smash the crates so that Clank's possibilities can reach the Meta-Terminal.

Second Meta-Terminal[]

In the second Meta-Terminal, the following must be done to complete the puzzle:

  • Grab the Speed Sphere on the top-left and throw it at the pad on the bottom-right, then pass through it to grab the Lift Sphere.
  • Throw the Lift Sphere at the further pad on the central path, then pick the Speed Sphere back up from its pad and throw it at the first pad, allowing the possibilities to reach the gap at the end.
  • Hop over to the gap by reaching the pad with the Lift Sphere, stand on the green switch, and the possibilities will reach the next goal.

Head through after this to the final terminal.

Third Meta-Terminal[]

At the final Meta-Terminal, a more complex path most be followed. Here, pressers will block paths often, and can be stopped by throwing Lift Spheres towards them. In this terminal, there are three spheres: two Lift Spheres, and one Speed Sphere. Begin by grabbing the spheres to complete the puzzle:

  • Take the Lift Sphere to hold up the first presser, then hold the presser that appears on the left, grabbing the Speed Sphere.
  • Use the Speed Sphere on the pad on the top-left end to run through and destroy the banners, then grab the first Lift Sphere and use it on the pad directly after the pad where the Speed Sphere path was used, allowing Clank to grab the second Lift Sphere.
  • Throw one Lift Sphere to the first presser, the Speed Sphere to the first pad on the central path, and the second Lift Sphere to the pad on the end of the central path. Stand on the green switch nearby to allow Clank's possibilities to reach the Meta-Terminal.

Atter this is unlocked, the dimensional anomaly on Sargasso clears up, unlocking Rivet's ship. If "Take Clank to Rivet's Hideout" is complete, Rivet's ship is then repaired instantly; otherwise, that mission must be completed first to use it.
