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This page is a list of all gold bolt locations in Into the Nexus. There are a total of twelve gold bolts, with ten hidden throughout the game's locations, and two as rewards at the Destructapalooza. They are used to purchase Omega weapons in challenge mode. The majority of these are accessible on the first visit, though this is under the presumption the player is already in possession of the required weapon, gadget, or item. Several bolts can only be acquired after revisiting the location later, as the required item is only available later in the game.

Collecting all gold bolts in Into the Nexus will unlock the gold trophy Gold Rush.

Location Gold bolts
Meero Ruins, Yerek 3
Destructapalooza, Kragg 2
Weeblesnog City, Silox 3
Hagrow Swampland, Thram 2
Meridian City, Igliak 2


The first gold bolt is found at the start of the route for "Investigate the Thugs-4-Less outpost", just before the mag-surface tunnel. Instead of jumping across the three pillars towards the tunnel, the middle pillar can be used to reach and grab onto a small protruding ladder, allowing access into a building containing the gold bolt. The Heli-Pack long jump is ideal for reaching the ladder.

Similar to the last, the second gold bolt is found along the same route, but at the end of the mag-surface tunnel. It is reached using the Grav Tether after clearing the area of Thugs-4-Less enemies. The turret must be used to destroy a grate blocking a grav-target by the entrance into the area. Upon riding a grav-stream to this grav-target, jump out of it and up to the nearby ledge to find the gold bolt.

The third gold bolt is found on a remote rock formation, near the front of the Meero Orphanage. It cannot be reached without the hoverboots, requiring "Trade horns for hoverboots" on Thram to be completed first. Using a ramp in the orphanage's playground area, a boost can be gained off of it with the hoverboots, launching Ratchet straight to the rock formation where the gold bolt is found.


The first gold bolt is awarded for completing the final Silver Cup challenge, Gargathon Hunter.

The second gold bolt is awarded for completing the first Gold Cup challenge, Doom Canyon. The Gold Cup does become available until completing "Find Neftin's hideout" on Thram.


The first gold bolt is found in the area before the entrance to the Weeblesnog water works, just above a large white door. Upon destroying two large screens to reveal two grav-targets, use the Grav Tether to create a diagonal grav-stream between them, and use it to reach the upper walkway where the gold bolt is found.

The second gold bolt is found in the most north-eastern corner of the large open area, traversed via jetpack during "Power up the Weeblesnog water pumps".

The third gold bolt is found whilst traversing the Weeblesnog sewer pipeline during "Travel to the sky train station". The gold bolt is wedged under a large stack of Thugs-4-Less armored crates, which can only be destroyed using a turret. Using the nearby turret, some of the crates can be broken, creating an opening to collect the gold bolt.


The first gold bolt is found on top of a tower at the starting area, next to the Smuggler's ship, and acquired using the jetpack. To use the jetpack however, "Trade 30 horns for access to the fuel station" must be completed first.

The second gold bolt is also reached using the jetpack and is found on top of a giant tree root, just east of the starting area.


The first gold bolt is found within the city center area, where "Defeat the Netherbrutes" takes place. It is found in the south, close to the taxi used to transport Ratchet to the area. After crossing the walkway bridge to the right of the taxi, a Swingshot target can be used to reach an upper walkway, where the gold bolt is found.

The second gold bolt is also found within the city center area, in the hardest north-east of the map. The higher walkway areas must be accessed, (these are not highlighted on the map screen) and can be glided down to from the high tower, which was accessed via boost ramps to reach a netherbrute. Following a long trail of crates in these higher walkway areas will eventually lead to the gold bolt.
