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Hunt for Lombax Lore is an optional mission in Rift Apart. Ratchet spoke to one of the monks on Savali, who offered to give Ratchet a piece of armor in exchange for obtaining three Lorbs (audio diary pieces, made by a Lombax named Mags) near a lombax shrine he located. After this, Ratchet searched for these lorbs found in several lombax shrines around the dimension.

The mission is first available around the same time as "Find the Dimensionator Blueprints, and can be attempted at any time.

Collecting three lorbs during the mission will unlock the bronze trophy Might've Broken Something.


The mission is begun near the outpost, a small settlement located in the center of the map, after talking to the monk scholar. Head to the lombax shrine, glowing blue atop one of the rooftops, for a lorb to appear. Break it with the OmniWrench and obain one of twelve lorbs, which can be listened to in the menu. All lorbs are found on Savali.

Locate 3 Lombax Lorbs[]

Savali Lombax Shrine Lorb Rift Apart

A Lombax shrine containing a Lorb.

At first, two more lorbs must be located and returned to the scholar. An easy way to acquire them is to head to the northeast of the map, where a shrine can be found near three sandshark nests. From here, following a hoverboots path down to the east part of the map leads to another shrine also guarded by sandsharks. This will obtain two, enough for the wasteland leg armor.

Locate 7 Lombax Lorbs[]

After obtaining the first three, lombax shrines are then marked on the map, making them significantly easier to find. For the most part, the shrines are straightforward to find after following them on the map, though six are not immediately obvious:

  • One located above a plateau in the center of the map, near the outpost, is reached by a hoverboots ramp from the distance nearby is required to reach it.
  • In the southwest portion, one is protected by a forcefield, though hitting three buttons connected to it on a cable by passing over them with the hoverboots unlocks it.
  • In the norhwest portion, one is protected by a forcefield on a ship that runs away from Ratchet, but can be reached with the Tethershot. Follow it with the hoverboots and cut corners on its path when possible, then latch onto it with the Tethershot to grab it.
  • Located in the southern part of the map (but not the very edge) beneath the ground, with four objects in front that contain a red light. Throw the wrench at them when they light up red until all turn blue to raise the shrine.
  • On a cliff on the southern tip of the map, one is protected by a forcefield. A portal nearby leads to a path over several wall rns on the side of the cliff that lead over three buttons required to unlock the forcefield.
  • Near the Mountain Temple path, one is found on a cliff that is normally unreachable. Rift Tether over a set of plateaus nearby to reach it.

Obtaining 7 will award the wasteland chest armor.

Locate Remaining Lombax Lorbs[]

Savali Lorbs Rift Apart

All 12 collected Lorbs.

After obtaining the chest armor, the remaining lorbs must be found. As before, finding them on the map is fairly straightforward, and other than the six described above, they are simple to obtain. Obtaining them all earns the wasteland helmet.
