Heliogrubs[1] are creatures in Quest for Booty, All 4 One, and the 2016 re-imagined Ratchet & Clank game, with a cameo in the movie. They are small, green, slug-like creatures that emit a slight glow.
Space pirates used heliogrubs to light their way out of caverns on Merdegraw.[2] Heliogrubs were also used as power sources for lights in Luminopolis, Igliak.
In the re-imagined Ratchet & Clank, on Veldin, Ratchet picked up a heliogrub with his OmniWrench while inspecting Clank after the landing.
In Quest for Booty, Ratchet made use of the heliogrubs on Merdegraw, and in "Find the body of Captain Darkwater", used them to navigate the Morrow Caverns. He later used them while navigating Darkwater Cove in "Search for Clues", and the Lythoin Caves in "Escape the Deadly Caves".
In All 4 One, heliogrubs were seen throughout Dr. Croid's Croid labs on Magnus, possibly abducted from Luminopolis.
Heliogrubs are small, glowing green, grub-like creatures with two yellow eyes on stalks, a turquoise stripe down their faces, small but sharp teeth, and four small claws around for legs. Their ability to glow in the dark is their most notable trait.
Heliogrubs are entirely docile and have little movement of their own. This, coupled by their glowing, makes them usable as makeshift flashlights. Heliogrubs on Merdegraw often reside in pools in dark caves, while in other environments, they are seen in packs.

Ratchet carrying a heliogrub
In Quest for Booty, heliogrubs have a large gameplay role, and can be picked up by Ratchet with his OmniWrench Millennium 12, often found in pools in caves. In addition to lighting up the caves and allowing Ratchet to see, they are crucial for scaring off the gore thwogs which are afraid of the light. To this end, heliogrubs can be thrown toward a location where gore thwogs are found, but it is otherwise safer to carry a heliogrub so Ratchet is always protected.
In All 4 One and the re-imagined Ratchet & Clank, heliogrubs have no gameplay role. They cannot be interacted with in All 4 One, appearing solely in the background. In Ratchet & Clank, despite the cutscene in which Ratchet picks them up, heliogrubs in gameplay are larger than in Quest for Booty and hitting them with the wrench will simply knock them back and possibly cause them to splutter into a puddle of green slime.
Behind the scenes[]

Concept art from Quest for Booty.
Concept art for All 4 One referred to heliogrubs as glow slugs and featured spawners for the creatures.
A heliogrub appeared being interacted with by an early version of Kit in concept art for Rift Apart.