Ratchet & Clank Wiki

The Headhunter is a weapon in Rift Apart. It is a sniper rifle that is capable of slowing time briefly while Ratchet or Rivet aim down its scope. The Headhunter is useful as a long-range weapon that can deal strong damage to single targets.

The weapon can be purchased from Mrs. Zurkon in the Pirate Base, Ardolis upon arriving for "Rescue Captain Quantum" for 40,000 bolts. At level 5, it upgrades to the Migraine. In challenge mode, the Omega Migraine can be purchased for 900,000 bolts.


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Holding L2 causes Ratchet or Rivet to aim down the scope of the weapon, at which point time slows while aiming it. Pulling R2 fully will then fire the weapon. The Headhunter's low ammo limits its use against mobs of enemies, but against medium to large enemies, especially long ranged enemies, the Headhunter is one of the strongest choices. It is a strong weapon for picking off single targets and dealing damage to bosses, but narrow in its use.

The raritanium upgrades to the weapon improve its functionality and strength at its role. Of the upgrades, the most crucial are the slow speed and slow duration upgrades, which improve the extent to which time slows while aiming down its scope. Improving this aspect makes the weapon far more usable in a number of situations, making it more potent.

Once fully upgraded with XP, it becomes the Migraine, which gives the weapon the ability to load up to 3 shots at once by holding R2 halfway. When fully pressing R2, The Migrane will fire off all shots loaded in rapidly, allowing it to deal massive damage to enemies much faster. The Headhunter, along with the Warmonger, is the strongest weapon for dealing single-target long-range damage. The weapon is invaluable in its role at dealing long-ranged damage, and remains useful after it is acquired.

The Headhunter is required for the bronze trophy "Hole Puncher", wherein the player must land 20 headshots with the Headhunter.


  1. Becomes 4 per pickup with Crate Ammo upgrade