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GrummelNet Industries,[2] more often referred to as GrummelNet, is an organization in the Ratchet & Clank series, first appearing in Tools of Destruction. The largest vendor emporium in the Polaris Galaxy, it is operated by the grummels, a species of interstellar gypsies cloned from the last surviving grummel in existence.

GrummelNet sells a variety of weapons, gadgets, devices, and technology. This includes the Groovitron, Mr. Zurkon, the Combuster, Buzz Blades, Mag-Net Launcher, and the Constructo weapons. Ratchet and Clank made use of many of these during their adventures in Polaris.


GrummelNet was created over a century prior to the events of Into the Nexus.[3] Started by Grummel One[citation needed] who, after his planet was destroyed, replenished his race by cloning them into stupidity. With no home, his clones became interstellar gypsies and went onto work for GrummelNet, which in time, became the largest vendor emporium in Polaris.[4] Because of Polaris Defense Initiative 1887-Upsilon, GrummelNet were permitted to sell their merchandise for means of defense across the Polaris Galaxy, including on Quantos where the fongoids outlawed all technology.[1]

GrummelNet stole the specs for the Netherblades from Vendra Prog when she was in preschool.[5]

During Emperor Tachyon's rule, inmates of Zordoom Prison were forbidden from bringing in GrummelNet contraband.[6] GrummelNet also sold lombax repellent during this time,[7] suggesting they were able to remain in Tachyon's favor and permitted to conduct business on the territories of his empire.

When Lord Vorselon lost his body after the battle of Zaurik, he and his army stormed GrummelNet HQ in Meridian City, and stole the design for his mechanical suit.[1]

Some gladiators from the Masteze Penal Colony of Ebaro butchered a group of grummels over a defective Neosplitter, but appeared to be rehabilitated in the Imperial Fight Festival.[8]

The Korgon Refinery on planet Markazia was built by GrummelNet to collect and distill acid for use in their bioweapon division.[9]

The ancient Hidden City of Balkai on planet Ebaro was once home to a colony of ebarian monks, until GrummelNet began selling inner peace, prompting them to move to Meridian City.[10]

The GrummelNet Plasma Harvester was installed over the surface of Proteus VII to collect fresh plasma for the GrummelNet Plasma Park and Torture Dungeon.[11]

During Into the Nexus, GrummelNet sponsored deathmatches at the Thugs-4-Less' Destructapalooza battle arena,[3] where a GrummelNet Jetpack upgrade was also the prize for winning the Bronze Cup.[12] When Ratchet and Clank fought the nethers, GrummelNet developed the Nether armor to help.[13]



GrummelNet devices vendor promo render

A devices vendor.

GrummelNet is operated entirely by grummels who run its vendors all over the galaxy.[4] The legality of many of their business activities has been called into question, over the years leading them into various legal disputes.

Polaris Defense Initiative 1887-Upsilon allows GrummelNet to sell their merchandise across Polaris even where technology is normally forbidden.[1] GrummelNet had an exclusive agreement with the Gelatonium Mining Workers Union, selling the Gelanator only to them and their licensed signatories.[14]

Weapons and devices[]

GrummelNet manufactured and patented a wide variety of weapons. During Tools of Destruction, some of these were sold as devices in a separate vendor.

The Groovitron is one of GrummelNet's most notable weapons, their most advanced defense technology when developed.[15] Sold first as a device, it was later sold as the Groovitron Glove weapon. The device was featured in the Intergalactic Museum of History.[2] Another notable example was the Zurkon Family, a group of small synthenoid robots that attack targets, used both by Ratchet and later by Artemis Zogg.

Constructo weapon logo

The logo for the Constructo line of weapons

GrummelNet has a number of other weapons serving a variety of uses. The Combuster and Fusion Grenade are its two most basic weapons, as a simple blaster and grenade thrower respectively. GrummelNet also released a line of Constructo weapons (a Pistol, Bomb, and Shotgun) that could be modified for any occasion through Constructo mods. Some of GrummelNet's weapons use rare materials, such as the Shard Reaper using trillium ore[16] and the Mag-Net Launcher using polarized raritanium pellets.[17]

Chimp-o-Matic preview

Grummel engineers developing the Chimp-o-Matic.

They have continually developed new molecular reconfiguration technology, creating multiple transmogrification weapons and devices. This included their Transmorpher devices,[18] the Chimp-o-Matic,[19] the Critter Strike,[20] and the Winterizer.[21]

GrummelNet also has a "Smirking Ninja" weapon line; of which the Doom Blades are the most highly advanced form of.[22]

GrummelNet incorporated their own patented technology into some of their products. The Fusion Bomb contains a cluster of their "Intelli-Seeking Pyrocidic Nitroballs".[23] An upgrade for the Nano-Swarmers used their Zero-Kelvin Laser technology on the weapon's targeting laser to freeze enemies in place.[24] The Tesla Spikes contained their arc-shock capacitors, the latest in automated defense technology at the time.[25] The Plasma Striker used their bioscope to locate vulnerable spots on targets.[26] The air blast technology used in the Box Basher 2000 is still patent-pending.[27]

Some products manufactured and sold by GrummelNet used technologies developed by outside parties. The Dynamo of Doom was designed by Pollyx Industries,[28] the Pyro Blaster and Buzz Blades by the kerchu,[29][30] the Spiral of Death by the fongoids,[31] the Zoni Blaster by the Zoni,[32] the Blitzer by disgraced boxer Cheech "The Cheat" Zeptolite,[33] the Darkstar Fission Tether by the terachnoids,[34] the Thundersmack by frustrated meteorologists on the outer ring of Methalon-Sigma,[35] the Warmonger by the terraklons,[36] and the Netherblades by Vendra Prog.[5] The Tornado Launcher was made using patented Gadgetron technology.[37]


GrummelNet has a smaller selection of gadgets in comparison to Gadgetron or Megacorp. Its gadgets include the Gelanator sold to gelatonium miners,[14] their patented Heli-Pods,[38] and the GrummelNet Jetpack.


GrummelNet armor vendors sell historical armor from different sources that have been fitted for customers. Their armor sold includes Blackstar armor designed by Captain Blackstar of the space pirates,[39] Helios armor designed by kerchu phalanxes,[40] Terraflux armor desgined by cragmites during the Great War,[41] Trillium armor engineered at the Center for Advanced Lombax Research,[42] and armor engineered by a terachnoid sage, Filgram Splendleforg.[43]

GrummelNet also developed their own armor. They made use of nanotech armor of their own design using their own shrapnel visor,[44] making Hyperflux armor from materials such as troglosaur hides,[45][46] and incorporating an Apogee Recycling System.[45] When battling the nethers, GrummelNet engineered armor specifically to combat interdimensional threats.[13]

Other products and services[]

GrummelNet operated toy stores around Polaris. The Hug-Me-Tight Nanny Bots were sold at stores, but were recalled due to how dangerous they were.[47] The Lightning Ravager was also conceived originally as a bath time toy, before being repurposed by the weapons division on advice of GrummelNet's legal department.[48]

GrummelNet also had an intergalactic travel guide, which rated Kerchu City, Jasindu above Zordoom Prison and the sulphur mines of Praxus VI for worst vacation spots in the universe.[49]

GrummelNet sold aftershave. One such aftershave products failed, instead becoming repurposed as virox poison gas, a lethal toxin used in agorian torture pits.[50] GrummelNet also sold a lombax repellent during Tachyon's rule.[7]

GrummelNet sold its own lawn ninjas.[7]

Behind the scenes[]

The Device Grummel in Tools of Destruction was voiced by Andrew Kishino.

The Weapon Grummel and Armor Grummel in Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time were both voiced by Greg Ellis. The Weapon Grummel in Into the Nexus was voiced by Travis Willingham, and the Armor Grummel by Nick Jameson. Travis Willingham later went on to voice Grimroth Razz and the salesman for the Gadgetron vendors in Ratchet & Clank (2016 game).

In unused dialogue for Tools of Destruction, a space pirate mentions that Chairman Drek was responsible for the destruction of the grummel's homeworld.[51]

Grummels appeared in PlayStation Home.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 A Crack in Time menu § "Galactic Trivia"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Into the Nexus script § "Find the Dimensionator (gameplay)"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Into the Nexus script § "Thug Announcer"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Tools of Destruction script § "IRIS Questions and Answers"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Into the Nexus menu § "Nether Blades"
  6. Tools of Destruction script § "Grind the Rails to the Prison (gameplay)"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Tools of Destruction script § "Arena dialogue"
  8. Tools of Destruction script § "Untouchable"
  9. Full Frontal Assault menu § "Markazia, Korgon Refinery"
  10. Full Frontal Assault menu § "Ebaro, Hidden City of Balkai"
  11. Full Frontal Assault menu § "Proteus VII, GrummelNet Plasma Harvester"
  12. Into the Nexus script § "Win the Bronze Cup (gameplay)"
  13. 13.0 13.1 Into the Nexus menu § "Nether Armor (LEVEL 3)"
  14. 14.0 14.1 Tools of Destruction menu § "Gelanator"
  15. Tools of Destruction script § "Devices"
  16. Tools of Destruction menu § "Shard Reaper"
  17. Tools of Destruction menu § "Mag-Net Launcher"
  18. Tools of Destruction menu § "Transmorpher"
  19. A Crack in Time menu § "Chimp-O-Matic/(Omega) Chimpositron"
  20. All 4 One menu § "Critter Strike"
  21. Into the Nexus menu § "Winterizer"
  22. Tools of Destruction menu § "Doom Blades"
  23. Tools of Destruction menu § "Fusion Bomb"
  24. Tools of Destruction menu § "Zero-Kelvin Laser Diode"
  25. A Crack in Time menu § "Tesla Spikes/(Omega) Storm Spikes"
  26. Into the Nexus menu § "Plasma Striker"
  27. Tools of Destruction menu § "Box Basher 2000"
  28. A Crack in Time menu § "Dynamo of Doom/(Omega) Dynamo of Devastation"
  29. Tools of Destruction menu § "Pyro Blaster"
  30. A Crack in Time menu § "Buzz Blades/(Omega) Doom Blades"
  31. A Crack in Time menu § "Spiral of Death/(Omega) Spiral of Carnage"
  32. All 4 One menu § "Zoni Blaster"
  33. All 4 One menu § "Blitzer"
  34. All 4 One menu § "Darkstar Fission Tether"
  35. All 4 One menu § "Thundersmack"
  36. All 4 One menu § "Warmonger"
  37. Tools of Destruction menu § "Tornado Launcher"
  38. Tools of Destruction menu § "Heli-Pods"
  39. Tools of Destruction menu § "Blackstar armor"
  40. Tools of Destruction menu § "Helios armor"
  41. Tools of Destruction menu § "Terraflux armor"
  42. Tools of Destruction menu § "Trillium armor"
  43. Into the Nexus menu § "Terachnoid Armor (LEVEL 2)"
  44. A Crack in Time menu § "Thermaflux Armor"
  45. 45.0 45.1 A Crack in Time menu § "Hyperflux Armor"
  46. Into the Nexus menu § "Thug Armor (LEVEL 1)"
  47. Tools of Destruction script § "Flaming Cragmite"
  48. Tools of Destruction menu § "Lightning Ravager"
  49. Tools of Destruction menu § "Planet Jasindu"
  50. A Crack in Time menu § "Name Your Poison"
  51. Tools of Destruction unused dialogue § "Ublik Passage"