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Go to the Defense Center! and Escape on the Mag Rail are missions in Tools of Destruction taking place in Metropolis on Kerwan. Qwark contacted Ratchet and Clank, urging them to come to the Planetary Defense Center as it was under siege by 'heavily armed robotic commandos'. On their way there they crashed and were forced to go on foot, realizing that the city was under attack.


Go to the Defense Center![]

Before starting it helps to familiarize yourself with the controls, and to choose either the third-person or lock-strafe mode for gameplay. The former has auto-aiming, whereas the latter grants more directional control. You start with the OmniWrench 3000, a melee weapon best used for breaking crates, as well as the Combuster and Fusion Grenade. The former is a simple blaster, with a moderate rate of fire, something it makes up for with slightly higher damage. The latter is a powerful mid-range explosive weapon, best used against groups of enemies due to its low ammo capacity, but note that its explosion range is not instantaneous.

Approach the enemies on the far side of the bridge, a pair of drophyd sentries, accompanied by tesladrones. These all attack in melee range, with the sentries being somewhat slower but stronger, whereas the tesladrones rely on speed and groups. As such, keeping back and using the Combustor is best to dispatch them with little effort. Make sure to break the nearby bolt crates for bolts, ammo crates for ammunition, and nanotech crates for nanotech to heal if you are damaged. Head to the right of the statue to fight a trio of drophyd troopers, which are armed with small miniguns, although they only fire in bursts and can easily be dodged.

As you head through the building a flying trooper will attempt to block your path, but should not pose a real problem. Head across the bridge and destroy the tesladrones, as well as the sentries that are being dropped off by a Tachyon transport ship. Use the nearby meteor pad to reach another platform where you can ignore the enforcer enemy, and instead engage with the flying troopers once it jumps away. Use the next pad to reach another platform where several troopers block your access to a grind rail, which you can ride on with your Grind Boots. Jump whenever the rail is blocked or gaps appear until you reach another platform with more drophyds, including several that are dropped off by another transport ship.

Go left into the corridor to run into a Tachyon gunship, a hovercraft that fires a pair of laser beams that travel towards you. It is not particularly strong however, and will fall easily. Destroy the second gunship as well, then use the meteor pad underneath it to bounce towards another platform where a large group of tesladrones and two gunships attack you. As you cross the broken sky bridge it will start being bombarded and collapse as a result, forcing you to cross it quickly. The Fusion Grenade is best to deal with the cluster of enemies blocking your path (rather than the slower Combustor) until you reach the end.

Around now you will likely upgrade your nanotech, which grants you more health. Using your weapons will also upgrade them, granting them more damage, culminating in a powerful upgraded version once they reach VX (level ten). Continuing on the path, destroy the tesladrones and drophyds, as well as any crates, until you reach another grind rail. This time you must jump from rail to rail to avoid the grav-trains until you reach another platform occupied by several sentries. Destroy them, then use the meteor pads until you reach a longer sky bridge.

Make your way across while it collapses, using the Heli-Pack (or Thruster-Pack) to make it across gaps when needed until you reach the end. Here, Ratchet will skydive, which requires you to dodge the traffic using either the Sixaxis' motion controls (can be toggled off in the menu), or simply by operating the left analog stick. Once you reach the bottom the mission ends.

Escape on the Mag Rail[]

After the cutscene you will immediately start on a grind rail, while being chased by gunships. Dodge their lasers, as well as the grav trains once the perspective switches, and any gaps in the rails. Eventually the perspective switches again as an Imperial cruiser appears, forcing you to jump from rail to rail to avoid its attacks. After a while you will eventually reach the end of the rails and start another series of cutscenes, after which you will start the next mission "Explore Cobalia".
