Ratchet & Clank Wiki
Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Dr. Frumpus Croid was a Tharpod Paradoxologist, Astrophysicist, and Lombax Whisperer who lived on planet Magnus. He lived at an outpost in the Terawatt Forest. He held the key to the mystery of Ephemeris the Creature Collector. His colleague and closest friend was Nevo Binklemeyer. Dr. Croid also owned a series of secret labs scattered around planet Magnus. When each lab was completed by the heroes, a RYNO VI Protosuit part was acquired. Croid had built a small army of loyal robots to defend his base in Terawatt Forest, additionally giving him complete control of the Phonica Moon thanks to them.

By the events of All 4 One, Croid was at least over 122 years old.[a]

Due to his discoveries, he and his colleague Nevo were given their own section in Planet Igliak's Intergalactic Museum of History.


Originally, Nevo Binklemeyer was friends with Dr. Croid before the arrival of the loki. It was Binklemeyer who designed the Protomorphic Energy Extractor, and also proposed to modify it to remove the strange 'energy' (in reality the Loki Master) from Dr. Croid's critter companion, Mr. Dinkles.

Binklemeyer later tried to prevent the Loki Master from stealing the Protomorphic Energy Extractor. However, the Loki Master, instead of killing him, made Binklemeyer work as his technician. This resulted in the modification of Ephemeris for interplanetary travel, and the construction of the Minions and Commander Spog to collect creatures for the Loki Master and protect Ephemeris.

Binklemeyer was rendered 'superfluous' when the Loki Master proclaimed the Protomorphic Energy Extractor was ready to transfer the Toranux into some of the larger and more dangerous creatures that Ephemeris had collected. He was saved by Dr. Croid, who had followed Ratchet, Clank, Qwark and Nefarious into Ephemeris' superstructure.

During the final battle with the Grivelnox, Binklemeyer activated the Protomorphic Energy Extractor and removed the Loki Master from the body of the Grivelnox, leading to the death of the Loki Master without a host body. His disposition following the defeat of the Loki Master is unknown, although it is most probable that he renewed his friendship with Dr. Croid and assisted him in destroying the last fragments of planet Toranaux, which he had placed in the centre of Ephemeris at the orders of the Loki Master.

Concept art - Dr Croid

Dr Croid concept art



The Ornithopter, one of Croid's inventions

Dr. Croid's business card mentions him to be an astrophysicist, paradoxologist, and apparent lombax whisperer; he attempted to translate Ratchet's "language."

Croid was a brilliant inventor, his inventions included:

Behind the scenes[]

Throughout Terrawatt Forest you see images of Mr. Dinkles with what may be Dr. Croid's phone number. The number reads 555640-0.

Croid also appears on the Gadget Master trophy icon in the Ratchet & Clank Collection.

Croid's appearance was re-used for Mr. Micron, a character appearing in the Ratchet & Clank movie.



  1. 22 years after Mr. Dinkles disappeared, Croid built Ephemeris to track him down and return him. At some point later, Mr. Dinkles had Nevo modify Ephemeris to instead collect the universe's most dangerous predators and bring them to Magnus, a process which according to the Tharpod Elder, continued for over 100 years. As Croid was already a qualified scientist before this series of events began, his actual age is likely closer within range of 150.


