Find a Way Off Planet Morklon, Enter the Time Portal, and Free Zahn Gribnak are missions in A Crack in Time, taking place in Gimlick Valley on planet Morklon. Ratchet and Clank crashed on a backwater planet after Dr. Nefarious launched them away from his space station, where they were caught after destroying his armada. Though the Zoni protected them upon crashing, they were stranded without a ship. The two searched for a way to return to Nefarious to stop him from reaching the Great Clock in time, as the galactic authorities would nota arrive quickly enough.
The only enemies you encounter here are anthropods and Breegus wasps. Anthropods, a variation of teratropes, appear in large numbers. Use the Chimp-o-Matic and Buzz Blades to clear them out while you navigate through the swamp. You will eventually run into Yurik, a lone fongoid, triggering a cutscene and starting the mission "Enter the Time Portal". Before you go through the time portal, there is another large group of anthropods to fight on a ledge opposite the portal.

"Free Zahn Gribnak" gameplay.
After entering the portal, you will start the mission "Free Zahn Gribnak". An agorian rider will approach your position quickly, but first, turn left and purchase the Hyperflux armor from the armor vendor. Defeat the incoming rider, then engage the agorian horde. Talons frequently warp in new foes, including warriors, hunters, and phalanxes, so always stay alert for incoming enemies.
Use the Rift Inducer 5000 on larger groups and the Mag-Net Launcher (and other crowd control weapons or Constructo mods) to avoid being overwhelmed, while firing other weapons at a distance. Due to the number of enemies here and the large amount of experience they give, this is a good opportunity to level up various weapons to V5, or close thereto.
Eliminate the agorian rider attacking the fongoids on the nearby ledge while making your way across the battlefield. Talons will keep warping in additional enemy waves, but nothing insurmountable. Defeat the final group of invaders in front of the imprisoned Zahn Gribnak to complete the mission, after which you may directly continue with "Destroy the Hydra Tanks".
Note that the mission "Find a Way Off Planet Morklon" is only completed after actually leaving planet Morklon.