Forge the Dimensionator is a mission in Rift Apart, taking place in the Kedaro Station, Cordelion. After obtaining the Dimensionator blueprints on Savali, Ratchet and Kit traveled to Cordelion to use Emperor Nefarious' Rubion Forge to forge it.
Freeing Juice partway through this mission will unlock the bronze trophy It's Loose!.
Enter Kedaro Station[]
Upon arriving on the planet, use the floating platform to travel to a floating pier, where several Nefarious Troopers are fought. This includes a new enemy type, a medium-size fast enemy which makes use of a saucer to fire ranged projectiles. In addition to using ranged weapons such as the Drillhound and Ricochet against them, the Void Repulser can be useful in blocking their attacks and also hitting any enemies that come close, while the Glove of Doom can also be helpful in chasing down enemies.
After clearing out the Nefarious Troopers, climb the ramp nearby to an upper level. Mrs. Zurkon is located here, and sells a new weapon: the Cold Snap. This weapon fires a bomb that, on impact, freezes nearby enemies, rendering them vulnerable. It is a powerful alternative to the Topiary Sprinkler and a good defensive option, though the Void Repulser and Glove of Doom may be more appealing defensive choices, and the Buzz Blades is more versatile.
After trading weapons with Ms. Zurkon, climb the stairs and hit the blizon crystal, traveling to a frozen dimension. Slide down the ramp to the lower level, where the elevator can be used to go down to the Research Division.
Find the Rubion Forge[]
In the Reserach Division, follow the linear path through, and several amoeboids are fought. These enemies that range from large to small, with the larger ones dividing to smaller types and firing projects, while smaller ones will attack by biting. Area-of-effect weapons such as the Lightning Rod, the Negatron Collider, and the Enforcer are useful, and the Glove of Doom and Mr. Fungi can provide supplementary damage to stop them overwhelming Ratchet.
After defeating the amoeboids, head to a larger room, where a cutscene commences and Ratchet must drain the room. The waters are infested with sharkigators that will eat Ratchet if he falls in. Following a path around the room leads to a terminal at the top to drain the room, after which, drop to the bottom of the room and reunite with Junk Bot. Follow him through a set of corridors to a large room at the end where a number of amoeboids must be fought, and a terminal must be accessed to power an elevator to the top to reach the crystal. The amoeboids come in a very large number, meaning a variety of area-of-effect weapons must be used against them as before, and it is important to keep as much distance as possible.
Once the amoeboids are cleared out, use the elevator to the floor below, follow the path around the room, and hit the crystal to return to Rivet's dimesion. Head to the adjacent room for a short cutscene, then interact with the terminal at the top of the room for a cutscene, leading into the next objective.
Repair the Forge[]
Several Nefarious Troopers, most of whom use long-range lasers, arrive. Defeat them by keeping a distance and using the room's cover where possible, then proceed through the structure to another blizon crystal marked by the map. In this room, clear out the Nefarious Troopers and use the boltcrank to free the crystal, then hit it and reach the Manufacturing Division of the other dimension.
Reunite with Junk Bot, and send Glitch in to the infected machine. Glitch has access to a Nuke Pulse upgrade here, giving a third attack that can be activated with upon defeating enough Viruses. This attack should be used when overwhelmed to clear waves. Flying Viruses are also fought here, and many of the nests and laser towers are protected by forcefields which must be deactivated with two buttons rather than one. After destroying the first set of nests, a mob of Viruses appear, and two more nests must be fought, arriving in platforms that fly in. Wait until the Viruses are close to Glitch and then use the Nuke Pulse, then focus on the fllying Viruses and clear all enemies out while running and gunning.
Once Glitch completes her mission, a power source must be located to reactivate the forge. Follow the waypoint marker to a lower floor and step on the switch to slowly open the blast door, then Phantom Dash through and follow a path through to the room where the power source is located. After dialogue is exchanged, head to the next room, where the monster Juice will attack Ratchet if he tries to step on the switch to open the door. Hit the glowing yellow cannister in the middle of the room to distract Juice, allowing Ratchet to open the blast door and leave.
The next blast door is locked by two locks, which can be opened by following the cable from the door to each lock. Lock 1, on the left, is disabled by a terminal. Interacting with it first will cause amoeboids to arrive, which must be defeated first before disabling it. After doing so, Juice will appear again. On the way to lock 2, smash the yellow cannisters on the way to distract Juice before arriving at the lock, which is disabled with a boltcrank. Attempting to turn the crank will cause Juice to attack. Rift Tether to the rift in the middle of the room and wait for Juice to get close, the Rift Tether back to the boltcrank to turn it before Juice can attack. With both disabled, run through the blast door.
Past here, after hitting another switch, the location is flooded, and Ratchet must walk underwater using the Magneboots. The controls are identical to before, including when crossing gaps. Toxic crabs occasionally appear, but represent little threat and can be dispatched using usual means. At the end of the path, hit the blizon crystal to be taken back to Rivet's dimesion, where Ms. Zurkon is found.
In Rivet's dimension, follow the path through and fight the Nefarious Troopers, then use the boltcrank to free Juice. A few Nefarious Troopers are then fought, though the first battles are fairly simple as Juice will take most of their fire. Two Nefarious Juggernauts, known as an Elite Security Detail, appear next; these have an identical moveset to previous Juggernauts fought, and are fairly simple to beat with the support of Juice. After defeating the enemies, follow Juice to another room and hit the blizon crystal within. After the cutscene, take the elevator out and hit the blizon crystal to travel back to Rivet's dimension and return to the ship.
If "Mend the Broken Phase Quartz" was also complete, the mission "Build the Dimensionator" is unlocked at Zurkie's. Otherwise, complete Rivet's missions first to unlock it.