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The Fongoid Farmer is a character in A Crack in Time. He is a fongoid from Zanifar who once helped build Dr. Nefarious' Tombli Outpost before managing to escape and help Ratchet free the other fongoids.

When Dr. Nefarious arrived at Zanifar two years prior to the events of A Crack in Time,[1] the farmer stopped planting gardens around the village, brainwashed into loving Dr. Nefarious. When Ratchet arrived in the past via a time portal, the farmer helped direct Ratchet to plant seeds for vines, not doing so himself due to the presence of zyphoids.[2]

Along with the other fongoids, once the Tombli Outpost was constructed, he was held in a containment grid as a prisoner,[3] while his brother and some other fongoids were held on the oil derrick.[4]

Deactivate the Containment Grid cutscene 2

The escaped fongoid farmer in the present.

In "Deactivate the Containment Grid", Ratchet met the Fongoid Farmer outside the village. The farmer had escaped the grid and was searching for a way back to his hut, while being searched for by Nefarious' troops.[3] Ratchet freed the fongoids from the containment grid, and the farmer then helped Ratchet free the others, urging him to free his brother on the derrick. When Ratchet did so, the farmer pledged to lead the fongoids to restore their village and shut down the Tombli Outpost.[4]

